Work with a collections institution? How well is digitisation is supported? What gets in the way? Oxford colleagues are surveying training provision for collections digitisation in the UK: Could you help by filling in their survey?

@yadayadayada That's a very lovely image - and a lovely looking space.

Oxford Digital Festival, today: it’s strange how we their so much of this extraordinary socio-technological evolutionary leap for granted.

Thanks for the good wishes, @JPSCHWEIZER63, but it’s all ok: RSA House is a place in London - sorry to hear about your rough time last December though!

In RSA House for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. I'd missed it.

@voltronic I'm very out of touch with all these things, now; could you say more about what is the codex and process of discovery? It is always exciting to find new things!

This one was featured on flickr today (it was, and this is very obvious from the 'explore' page, a very slow day, apparently). I thought I'd share it with you, too.

@feloneouscat I'll bear all that in mind when I'm next looking for a system - this one was a downsizing replacement, and I have strangely mixed feelings about not running pure separates! The sound is definitely very different from my last set-up. Punchier, but much less ... air.

@feloneouscat: happily, I found something free that will serve at least some of my needs, without being something that requires real technical knowledge - though I can't quite believe that the system's manuals give no real clue as to how to set up and use the thing aside from saying that it requires Windows Media Player 10. Such a short-sighted bit of manufacturing!

Well, yesterday I picked up a Marantz M-CR603 that I had bought on eBay for not very much money. I've spent the last couple of hours trying to get the network player to work with my mac, and learning a little more than I did about DLNA servers. It might be an old system (and sadly, the original owner didn't update it to include some of the aftermarket features (and it's no longer supported)), but it still sounds very good.

There are (many) times and days when I forget that I'm a composer, that that was my chosen direction. And then something crops up in my listening that I have written and I ... wonder why I do not do more of that. Today something I wrote as an interlude to a musical I was musical director of in 2017:

@voltronic Thanks so much - I think it might be to do with my VPN IP Address - I'm guessing it's shared across a lot of people - I'll try again!

@voltronic - it only let me play about three seconds because of a transfer limit? But it sounded great!

Spent yesterday at seeing a demonstration of Arri’s Volume virtual production environment. It’s all very impressive, and allows some extraordinary in-camera and responsive cinematographic work, and points to a means of filming that updates and extends some really respectably old techniques. I wonder how long until the next leap forward in it.

I'm at a workshop at ARRI today, which is, for someone with a slightly-more-than-minor fascination with cameras (mainly of the 'vintage' variety) and photography, a really terribly dangerous thing - they really are very lovely and desirable objects.

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Andrew Cusworth

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