Work with a collections institution? How well is digitisation is supported? What gets in the way? Oxford colleagues are surveying training provision for collections digitisation in the UK: Could you help by filling in their survey?

Oxford Digital Festival, today: it’s strange how we their so much of this extraordinary socio-technological evolutionary leap for granted.

In RSA House for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic. I'd missed it.

This one was featured on flickr today (it was, and this is very obvious from the 'explore' page, a very slow day, apparently). I thought I'd share it with you, too.

Well, yesterday I picked up a Marantz M-CR603 that I had bought on eBay for not very much money. I've spent the last couple of hours trying to get the network player to work with my mac, and learning a little more than I did about DLNA servers. It might be an old system (and sadly, the original owner didn't update it to include some of the aftermarket features (and it's no longer supported)), but it still sounds very good.

There are (many) times and days when I forget that I'm a composer, that that was my chosen direction. And then something crops up in my listening that I have written and I ... wonder why I do not do more of that. Today something I wrote as an interlude to a musical I was musical director of in 2017:

Spent yesterday at seeing a demonstration of Arri’s Volume virtual production environment. It’s all very impressive, and allows some extraordinary in-camera and responsive cinematographic work, and points to a means of filming that updates and extends some really respectably old techniques. I wonder how long until the next leap forward in it.

I'm at a workshop at ARRI today, which is, for someone with a slightly-more-than-minor fascination with cameras (mainly of the 'vintage' variety) and photography, a really terribly dangerous thing - they really are very lovely and desirable objects.

How did four days of summer school pass quite so quickly.

Spent the morning delivering a lecture entitled 'Machining the archive' to the Digital Humanities @ Oxford Summer School, and it's always the questions that I enjoy.

On a bus into Oxford for a pre-Summer School drink with the other convenors of the Digital Humanities @ Oxford Summer School. Hard to believe a year has gone by since the last; nerves and excitement at the one coming …

In a few weeks' time, I'll be leading the 'When archives become digital' strand at the Digital Humanities @Oxford Summer School.

It's a great chance to meet people working on archives all over the world using digital methods, to share knowledge, and to learn about the processes and forces behind the digitalised archive.

Come, join us at Keble College for a fantastic week: 3-7 July , . Register by Thursday:

I’m looking forward to a workshop with Ethan Kleinberg, next week, exploring Archive Fever in the digital age.

It’s a rare thing to have the chance to discuss and think about these things in such illustrious company.

If you’d like to join us on-or-off-line, you can find out a little more about it here:

I have written a piece named 'Esgyn Soar' for a concert tomorrow afternoon.
Having enjoyed having the opportunity to write it for James McVinnie & the organ of Theatr Soar, through Tŷ Cerdd's CoDi programme, I'm really looking forward to hearing it (& all of the other pieces) in the flesh.
The concert begins at 3pm in Theatr Soar, Merthyr Tydfil. Here's a link to the ticketing page:

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Andrew Cusworth

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