@corlin it's almost like I don't want them to know it's a Titanic issue that will sink their party. They're definitely going to ride it till it submerges them.
@TheRealDoggur what a disgusting pig he is. Can't imagine why anyone thinks he is even marginally capable of holding any office.
Grateful to Pennsylvania's Governor Shapiro trying to implement motor-voter registration in my state. If you're working towards getting fewer people registered to vote, just what is your agenda?
@BrazenlyLiberal it became All Trump all the time in 2016. They can’t do that again. We all deserve better.
@BrazenlyLiberal it's time we hold networks that give voice to these morons responsible. MSNBC should be shamed by anyone with an ounce of integrity. Given that I would never watch a TFG interview, can you tell me if there was any attempt by the moderator to shed some truth?
@wolfwoman thank you so much!
@wolfwoman that's my Senator! Love him!
Nice start #Eagles!
@Kinnison is there a coloring book version of the RICO book?
Moving back 100 plus years. Unbelievable that this is where we are.
@GrazingintheGrass and he'll probably end up serving six and get paroled.
Kevin McCarthy suffers humiliation as secret tapes get released.
Our greed-based healthcare
"These companies have specifically targeted the U.S. market for higher prices, even while cutting prices in other countries, because weaknesses in our health care system have allowed them to get away with outrageous prices and anticompetitive conduct.”
@Queasy he only has to be slightly smarter than those that keep voting for him in elections. There would still be more trustworthy car salesmen.
@CinnamonGirlE I follow John as well. Lost my wife of 32 years in April of 2020 at the height of the Covid Pandemic. She didn't die directly from Covid but it affected what care was available to her. Because of Covid I went months isolated and suffering from extreme grief. In January of 2021 I met someone for coffee. She hugged me. It meant the world to me at the time. It still does. We aren't meant to be alone - it's too hard.
@stueytheround education. Ignorance breeds hate. Real knowledge attacks hate. Large basis in lies that feed that beast.
@ReneeVoiceBrand and we need to stop spending money in states that refuse to disarm the hatred. Looking at you Governor DeSatan! You have blood on your hands!
We need to stop arming hatred and insanity. The lack of real action is a choice we make every day.
Flew in from that other place. Very Glad to be here, people are central to social media that works.