@BrazenlyLiberal it's time we hold networks that give voice to these morons responsible. MSNBC should be shamed by anyone with an ounce of integrity. Given that I would never watch a TFG interview, can you tell me if there was any attempt by the moderator to shed some truth?
The thing about giving him voice is he us, weird as it seems, the leading candidate by far for the GOP nomination. Networks are forced to negotiate the tightrope walk between giving his nonsense too much attention and failing to report on half the election. I don't envy them that position
@BrazenlyLiberal it became All Trump all the time in 2016. They can’t do that again. We all deserve better.
We do.
It wasn't MSNBC. It was "Meet the Press" on NBC.
And yes, she did push back a bit, did counter that there was no evidence that much if what he said was true, but he just babbled on, citing disproved & irrelevant nonsense.