COSO Driving Songs theme, Ian Drury & The Blockheads style
Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick
So I've photo'd the skull #Embroidery in better light - the all blue flowers one is #MachineEmbroidery done this week, the one with the red flower is the original I based it on - #HandEmbroidery I did in 2016 after I inherited all my mum's embroidery stuff after she died.
One in four have accents mocked at work - survey
Well, I know my American colleagues used to ask me questions on conference calls deliberately to get me to say certain words. My accent is not that useful as over the years it is a blend of Oxfordshire/Somerset/Manchester with a minute dash of Cockney.
For any Reborn artists or collectors cringing over these pics -- I'm a Reborn artist. I didn't paint Libby (BB Violet), but I did finish and assemble her. I always give a pretty heavy final protective coat, and Petey is surprisingly gentle with her.
For anyone else -- Reborn dolls aren't toys, and should be kept away from kids and pets.
#HBDCoSo #sendCoSoBDmoney #CrowdFunded #NoAds (latter two #s borrowed from @raspberrypanda )
CoSo turns five on Nov 17! If you are not ready or able to go Pro, could you do a one-time donation of $5? Or, regardless of Pro or otherwise status, could you donate $11 or $17 to mark the birthday? Feel free to mute if uncomfortable. Please boost if willing, and donate if able. TIA!
It has now been 132 years. This is an old flyer.
There were 2 Chiefs. Spotted Elk (Unpan Gleska) and (Si Thanka) both were later referred to as Chief Bigfoot.
The massacre occured at Red Cloud Agency at Wounded Knee, between Porcupine & Pine Ridge, today.
Ste SiThanka was a Red Cloud (Oglala) delegate who died 9 years after the massacre. He is buried with his family in Kyle, SD.
Spotted Elk was from Cheyenne River but killed at Wouded Knee
*peeks over coffee cup and sighs*
Dear New Nauts
Please make yourself familiar with @th3j35t3r . The only "company" CoSo has. There is no team, only him, and his alter egos I jokingly call "the Bobs". This site isn't "new" it's been operating for 5 years and about to celebrate it's birthday 🎂. It is fully funded through the users who choose to support it so J can upgrade and make room for all on the playground.
Thank you for coming to e TEDTalk
Welcome to CoSo
Can anyone please tell me what the "sanitizer" on here is for?
For any #Twitter staff members who are here to vent - you do NOT have to work 84 hour weeks and fear for your job. You can UNIONIZE! Contact the AFL-CIO now and ask to speak to a union leader. They can help you get started. You have legal protection. Take back your life!
Not a sheep. Very random. Baa. ADHD
I make stuff and sometimes post pics of the stuff.
I currently work in IT but who knows for how much longer...