On this day, Nov 7th, in 1987 the attending psychiatrist at the Goleta, CA CareUnit approved the withdrawal of my Valium, prescribed to prevent any possible delirium tremens for the previous 3 days, and my journey of sobriety began.

Today is my 36th annual sobriety "birthday"! I got here, literally, one day at a time, and some times still after 36 years, it can be one minute at a time.

No my life is not perfect, but I'm happy with my life.

Today I have managed to successfully string together One Day At A Time of not drinking to reach an anniversary of 35 years of sobriety.

By working my program I will attempt to make today another day where I decide "I'm not drinking or using today".

I Love Life.

Good Morning CoSo.

The best explanation I ever heard of why Alcoholics / Drug Addicts shouldn't spend too much time thinking about the days they have been sober so far, and the days coming up that they have to stay sober is:

"If you stand over life with one leg in yesterday and one leg in tomorrow, you will inevitably piss all over today."
~ anon

To all my new friends who have connected to me here on CoSo.

Let me take a moment to say that most CoSoNauts have a caring and vulnerable side and we share with each other.

Let me start to show you how this works.

My Name is Matthew and I'm a Recovering Alcoholic, today I'm 35 years clean and sober

I also have suffered from black dark depression, and take my Prozac every day, just as a diabetic may take medication to keep the body running correctly

Better Living Thru Chemistry.

The Christmas before I got sober (1986) I was so broke I couldn't afford to do anything for Christmas (cause I was drinking / using any money I had).

So I drove by a Supermarket at 1am and stole a Christmas tree from their outdoor lot.

Stealing a Christmas Tree has to be one of the all time low of lows for me.

I truly hope every person who suffers, as I do, from ADDICTION can find a way to live their full life in true happiness. I wish that for Ms. Lovato, but after watching her interview on 60 minutes:

I suspect she will be back recovering publically again in short order, or dead. "California Sober" as she labeled it has an even worse track record than AA/NA at keeping heroin users clean.

But I honestly hope I'm wrong for her sake.

As I've mentioned before ("repeatedly") I'm a recovering Alcoholic / Addict. Booze was my drug of choice cause it was (relatively) cheap and easy to get.

I see many of you are suffering from Hangovers this morning, which puts me in mind of why being a functioning alcoholic was so easy for me.

I literally have never had a hangover from Alcohol.

Here is to 33 years being sober (my actual sobriety date is Nov 7th 1987, but I usually mark the anniversary around the new year)

As a recovering alcoholic I can honestly say, there is no situation so bad that drinking can't make it worse!

Get to a meeting if you are feeling stressed today.

As an Alcholic / Drug Addict who hasn't used today (so far), I really don't have the luxury of Anger.

Holding onto my anger will cause me to drink / use again.

For me Anger == Death

There is a lot of drinking during the Holidays, if you are feeling an urge, get thyself to a meeting. There will be one happening almost anywhere you are.

Your Sobriety is a gift of life to you AND to your friends and family

Today is my 32 AA birthday.

I won't drink or use today. Tomorrow will take care of itself if I take care of today and follow the steps.

I still miss drinking then dancing.

Dancing is fun, but without being drunk I can never really let myself go and just "be" a dancer.

I was a lousy dancer, but I loved doing it.

As a recovering alcoholic (I'm not drinking today and have manged to do so for one day at a time for 30+ years), I must admit I can understand why people find it so hard to leave the BS and FB.

Rather than just face that their life is WORSE because of BS and FB, they want to focus on all the reasons they tell themselves "I can't quit".

It actually distresses me that I can't help them, just like I can't help the drunk who won't admit there is a problem and stop.

to all the new folks joining us, since most of you over the past 24 hours have probably come to us by way of @Stonekettle 's recommendation I probably don't need to "warn" you:

This is a place where we (and hopeful you) feel free to be ourselves.

Although I'm not keeping count, I'm pretty sure we have a few representatives from every letter in LBGTQQAP? as CoSojourners

_Me? I'm a big ole G_

I'm also a recovering Alcoholic

Acceptance is here

A yearly Exercise I do every November 7th.

Start a stop watch and list 10 things you DON'T like about yourself.

Now reset the watch and list 10 things you DO like about yourself.

If it takes you longer to list the DOs then the DON'Ts then it's time to do a full moral inventory of your life.

For me that means doing a full 12 step cycle in-depth.

For the first 5 years of sobriety, 30 secs to list the DON'Ts, unable to come up with 10 DOs.

32 years on, can't list 10 DON'Ts

Full Disclosure, while I'm 31 years clean & sober, I have left myself an out to partake of Marijuana if it is medically prescribed to me for relieve from Chemo / Radiation Side effects.

yeah, that means I could get high, but it'd only happen if I get CANCER.

Dear Zeus, please let me live my life such that I'm never again need to partake of Marijuana.

I'm a recovering alcoholic.

I'm sober today because I choose to not allow anything to cause me to drink (today), no matter how "bad" I think it is.

This is my perspective on life. I can't stop "bad" things from happening to me, I can't stop those who seek to do me harm. All I can do is choose how I will respond to it.

Someone can tell me I'm worthless, over and over again, I choose whether or not I listen to them, and how I respond, if at all.

PSA: is here if you need to talk to a fellow 12 stepper and you can't find a meeting.

If you are one of the people who like me have to struggle with addiction, this time of year and even today can be difficult.
Everyone else is having eggnog with rum wine with dinner beer while watching the game, so be mindful of your circumstances, and if tempted find a meeting.
There's a meeting going on right now somewhere near you because you're not alone in the struggle to live a life free from destructive addiction.

Welcome to the new CoSoNauts . Another group we have is the or of you need to tell someone "hello my name is Matthew..."

Matthew πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

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