@MrsE0113 And my axe.
@misslovelymess I'd hope so but he doesn't strike me as the type. I feel like if he's quiet, it's something either really good or really bad for him to mitigate.
@stueytheround That's for sure. All work and no play makes him a tired J.
@Thumprhare Yeah, I usually chew Orbit these days. Always gotta go with sugar free, but I've yet to find a gum that really satisfies me.
@voltronic Haven't listened to Tori Amos in years. Classic.
@Thumprhare @spacesloth Right? I guess I didn't either until I started thinking about it. It's really disappointing when you chew gum and it's tasty for like 5 seconds.
@SomewhatStableSapiens I'm on a laptop but I use a $50 mechanical keyboard that's way better than the Razers I used to get all the time. Trying to find a mouse that works for me, mine's crapping out.
@stueytheround HARK
@White_Rabbit None of those smell half as bad as a CAT FART
@WhoopassGirl Dang I must be a desperate fool. Or maybe I'm just ornery 'cause I'm out of gum.
@Thumprhare @spacesloth Yeah that's what I mean, it's like the first few seconds, full flavor the whole time, good bubble-ability.
@ChattyQueequeg Beautiful place to be.
@spacesloth Dang, I must be a fool. I'd pay like $80
@99reasons4truth I think Cyber Monday is the option.
@ChippySuave I miss the playgrounds being made of wood and steel. Tempered my hands and buns in a crucible.
Dogs whisper their secrets to me, and I keep each and every one of them.