@Oma_Trisha omg I'm so sorry, that's horrible. Man I hope he's okay😣
@PamsMyth ahhh hello Pam! What a coincidence seeing you here, oh how small the internet is. At least I can see your posts here becau-ERROR: RATE LIMIT EXCEEDED
@CherNohio Thank you, it means a lot. 🙏❤️
@Esther I know you guys will, and I can't appreciate it enough. 🙏❤️
@CherNohio Well that's good to hear, live life to its fullest etc.
Things have been rather catastrophically bad for me tbh, I'm sure I'll lament about it at some point in the near future
@CherNohio Heyyy been a whole, how's it been going?
@HellJasterr I think as long as you clarify and use spoilers it's fine? Don't quote me though. Like ever.
@Minholkin thank you, that means a lot. 🙏❤️
@Minholkin hellooo again, sorry for my absence. How have you been?
@MrGoat big Vlad the Impaler vibes. Or Vladimir the Poker, whichever.
@Shilohx I love him too. With all my heart. ❤️
@MrGoat oh hey those are pretty cool, good job!
@MrGoat lol I like it. Did you make that?
@MrGoat aye, and you as well. 🙏
Dogs whisper their secrets to me, and I keep each and every one of them.