@WhoopassGirl I absolutely just did the same thing. I got my EBT card the other day almost three months after I was approved for it, it had about $1k on it. It's for celebrating the holidays, if it means participating then you definitely should.
@floryloughead I'm halfway between Kenai and Soldotna in a dead zone, ISPs don't even provide internet service here. I have friends in FL though, hence the willingness to trade. If I had money to afford to do outside stuff like 4-wheeling or snowmachining or if I had a knack for fishing it would be different
Strange about the lamp though, that seems backwards. I know they installed them in lots of the streetlights around bus stops and on the busses themselves. I figured it was a Vitamin D issue
This is some crap I would do.
@floryloughead Grass is always greener eh? It's not so much the snow here as it is the isolation. Alaska is basically an island, I can't just go for a drive and be somewhere sunny.
@SomewhatStableSapiens I have that book!
@PurpleDragon pretty sure I've never even seen a cactus in person before.
I've heard you've got some of the best spicy food down there, and that's my jam.
@kel That's the one thing I can't afford to give it.
And also money.🤔
@ketchup9080 *purrmits
@Flexi A healthy appetite is a good sign.👍
@Flexi Awe, what a pretty kitty
This was a nice morning treat.
@XanHart The Rockiest Road
@djmpb if I ever get make it across the pond I'm not coming back without a scrap.
@Booga But it CAN buy BBQ sauce. 😂
Dogs whisper their secrets to me, and I keep each and every one of them.