@LiberalLibrarian 'Oh no, someone did the leg work for me and self blocked future interactions I probably didn't want with them, well, whatever shall I do?'

@LiberalLibrarian Always amuses me when I'll make a post and seen there's a comment, or multiple comments, but only see one (or sometimes none!)

The mute feature, I see, is working as intended. I only hope those people get the hint and just, do the same to me?

I've been half tempted to just pin a post to the top of my feed that reads something akin to: Scroll down, see how I post? That's what it's always gonna look like here. Use your tools now.

Justin boosted

American right wingers have to be the dumbest people on the planet.

Tell me you don't understand history without telling me. :facepalm:

@elbutterfield They scream liberals virtue signal, but they do the same thing.

The difference in the virtues they signal are all fucking horrid and evil.

There are three ways people eat Oreos:

*Twist, remove cream and eat, then eat the cookies.
*Pop whole cookie in mouth and eat.
*Take bites of Oreo.

The last one I have real concerns about your scores in sociopathic behavior.

@LiberalLibrarian The Onion (when it was good):

Holy shit, we need to hire this guy now! The guy is a satirical goldmine!

5 mins later: Wait, you're telling me Tate is 100% serious? Really? Nahhhhhh

@ITKV Wait, I forgot to mention RFK Jr and how he's gonna "Spoil Biden chances by stealing votes."

But, we're in a horse race folks! Totally real neck and neck race here and not completely concocted by legacy media in anyway.

Nope....not at all....

Good morning the only candidate the GOP has for president won his primary in PA, but only captured 83% of the GOP vote.

The rest went to a candidate that dropped out weeks ago and write-ins.

If you can't capture the plurality vote, unchallenged, what possible chance do you have in the general against an incumbent president winning plurality in nearly all his primaries?

And this is all before :Asshat: gains the title of convicted Felon.

This one goes out to the sleepy orange slug in PA that is currently losing hundreds of thousands of votes to a candidate, that dropped out of the race weeks ago (Haley has nearly 150k votes, with 84% reporting).


@LiberalLibrarian if you're a Republican strategist looking at that right now, you are currently shitting bricks while doing it.

@LiberalLibrarian JFC the single most conservative supermajority Supreme Court for the last 80 years, is somehow on board with protecting Democratic President Joe Biden and helping steal the election.

Say it out loud. Now go out and find MAGA and make them say it out loud.

@th3j35t3r Like I said before, be firm, but fair. 😂

@process Absolutely, but you wanna know something? We had that, like 20+ years ago when the internet was young and people joined specific spaces for fandoms and content.

Web 1.0 was the dreaming, what the internet was supposed to look like. The second the idea came to collapse those spaces into these global spaces the dream died.

It's just funny all these articles are telling on themselves admitting tech bros got it wrong with web 2.0 (and the dystopic attempt at web 3.0 a few years back).

@th3j35t3r Horizon Zero Dawn: This is part of the main narrative plot to that game.

If you haven't played this yet, it's not a good thing.

@LiberalLibrarian You know, the amazing thing here is, the aid funding is a global message sent by the nation, left and right to Russia.

So what this dimwit is doing here is quite literally outting himself as a dissident and traitor to the nation he claims to be to a real member to.

These dumbasses are so deep in the bubble they can't even see how far away from the nation they claim to love they are.

Unless that country they love is Russia, which then, they're spot on.

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