Jesus Christ what between the forced Foot Fetish ads from the now banned HeGetsUs you toss this gem in my feed? Do I look like Elon to you?!?

And while the treatment is proven to be effective, don't you think that's something my doctor should be recommending based on my health needs? No wonder Reddit's stock is already tanking.

You know, for a political party so enraptured with Jesus and Christianity, claiming the moral high ground and accuses their enemies of everything from drinking the blood of babies and being satanists, it's damn funny that the official party logo has, not one, but THREE inverted pentagrams right smack in the middle of it. And that's not some new change, that's been the logo, for years.

Rule of thumb, if I see a product marketed as 'viral on Tik-Tok' I am pretty sure it's intended use and usefulness has be grossly misstated.

Seriously, how do you publicly recover after a 80+ year old guy takes the piss out of you with one single look. It was the equivalent of a Dad mocking a petulant child without having to say a single word.

That's the look of "Oh, you really have me scared, uh-huh. No way will I ever want to deal with you." Just dripping with sarcasm.

Well, i'm gonna a wild guess that this is why has been a mess all day today.

What?!? No way! :Asshat: isn't an actual Billionaire?!? Surely you jest! I'M NOT BEING SARCASTIC!

(yes I am)

Five days on now and the Trump Gofundme is just shy of one million dollars.

You know, for a group that hates paying taxes, they're ripe and ready to pay out for the stupid tax.

(Screengrab by me, not some image knocking around the internet).

Imagine being THIS radicalized to believe wholeheartedly in the Right wing fascist agenda, to sell all your belongings and move halfway across the world to another country, and do it solely on the words of others.

My state's DFL decided to dunk on our broke AF GOP this Valentine's Day.

They went full Trump. You never go full Trump!

(Protecting a pedophile and sex trafficker doesn't help either).

BEHOLD! PIZZA AXE! This is the quality Christmas gifts I'm here for!

If you haven't seen, my state of MN has been deciding on a new state flag from a number of submissions. The committee finally settled on a design, and it immediately has been turned into a meme.

I will never be able to look at it with a straight face now.

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