The three of pentacles normally represents teamwork, determination, and focus, however, with it sitting in its reverse position in the recent past, You were dealing with a situation where you were handling things on your own. You felt isolated, lacking in direction and focus and weren't certain of where you were going with your current path. This being a past situation this is just setting the stage of what the cards are trying to say. #Dailytarot
#Dailytarot To preface, I tend to do the explanations in the replies to this post, So please hold all replies until I'm finished with the third card. This is just for entertainment purposes, but if there is meaning behind it that strikes with you, feel free to reach out. There's a lot of readers in the pagan community here. #CoSoPagans We begin with the three of pentacles reversed in the recent past, Three of swords reversed in the present, and the mother of pentacles in the future.
So a quick note about these draws. I don't do love readings. I don't do personal readings. This is just a general reading for everybody. If the message hits and means something to you, feel Free to mention it. And maybe I can provide some clarification if there's any confusing points in the reading. This is just a fun thing I do for the community because I know there's times that we're often feeling lost and don't like to talk about it. The cards kind of give a medium for addressing that.
Everyone that I love has special trait to them that draws me to them. Whether it's their interest in heathenry, or paganism, history, education, gaming, art, music, creative writing, Informed writing, I'm very open with my heart and I love intellectual individuals. My Life partner would argue this, He doesn't think he's very smart but I know he is in his own way. #pride
Being pansexual means that I'm attracted to pretty much everybody. I do have specific traits that I look for in people that might be a potential partner, but I don't look at gender or superficial looks as a attractive deal. I love intellectuals and open-minded individuals and I have always been very accepting to anyone around me just to get know me as I am. #pride
The point I'm trying to get to is that there are many, many different structures of poly relationships, some are hierarchical some are like my own built on a level of trust between each partner and time with them split equally so that no one feels left out or neglected.#pride
It was a bumpy start, we had some communication issues at first and sometimes it was a hit or miss between the two of us here. But over time things started to smooth out and our communication got better between the long distance partner and my current partner here. Trust is very important to me and very important to my Life partner as well. My long distance partner is starting to realize how important in key to this relationship it is. #pride
Now my Life partner here that's with me. He's monogamous but when I tried to explain how my orientation is, he asked if we can build that relationship on trust because he knows that my past relationships were extremely traumatic to me and caused a lot of emotional issues and trust for me. I do have a long distance relationship with a dear friend of mine over a couple states away and we keep constant contact. Always touching base with one another. #pride
I didn't know in the '80s or '90s that there was even a name for what I was experiencing in regards to my romantic orientation and for a long time I closeted myself to avoid causing conflicts in relationships that were very much monogamous. As I got older and I opened up that door a bit further I started seeing polycouples and groups actually being more welcomed and out with themselves. I came out of the closet in 2015 shortly after my last child was born. #pride
Growing up, the only real relationships that I saw around myself happening were monogamous and as I got to my teens, I started to notice my own preferences didn't quite fit into the monogamous box. I fell in love with girls and boys around my age and sometimes dated them at the same time with them, knowing of the other partner, I was very careful to split my time equally and make sure that they understood that I loved them both. It was one thing about me that hasn't changed from my teens. #pride
Growing up, the only real relationships that I saw around myself happening were monogamous and as I got to my teens, I started to notice my own preferences didn't quite fit into the monogamous box. I fell in love with girls and boys around my age and sometimes dated them at the same time with them, knowing of the other partner, I was very careful to split my time equally and make sure that they understood that I loved them both. It was one thing about me that hasn't changed from my teens. #pride
Another reason pride is so important to me is because I'm also part of the romantic orientation spectrum. I am polyamorous pansexual and I have pretty strong Demi sexual leanings due to trauma in past relationships. Polyamorous relationships are considered illegal in many states of this country and it's understandable why there was some religious groups that tried to exploit it to gain control over their people and I'm not after that. I believe the heart is unchained you love who you love.#pride
Happy Pride Month everyone!
This month is especially important to folks like me so allow me to introduce myself to the new folks on the neighborhoods here!
Hi, I'm Melrose, I'm a transmasc pagan mother of a young cis son. I love to do art, toy with AI and help people better understand what being transgender is like as well as providing support to my peeps! I'm neurodiverse (AuAdhd) and a trauma survivor. Rock on people! ❤️ 🏳️🌈 #lgbtqia #pride
Pagan/Music Lover/Artist
No Frith & No Grith with Fascists and Nazis.
Discord Admin of Cloud9 & Welcome Wagons