Oklahoma schools have basically told imbecile Ryan Walters to go pound sand:
@Christmas_Snow Okay with updates on Windows. Pause it for at least 2 weeks before you install anything from them. It's mostly because they haven't been doing troubleshooting on the newer patches so it takes about a week for them to figure out if there's a major bug and a few days after that to patch. So hang in there. I'm working on doing the same thing.
Among other things I've done in this life are building computer boxes, troubleshooting hardware and software problems and teaching a slew of apps, from early days (Anyone remember stuff like Harvard Graphics?)
One of the things I learned early and adopted fervently as Windows developed and grew: Wait a week, maybe 2, before applying a Windows software upgrade or fix. By then, if there's going to be trouble, it will have happened and hopefully be pulled or resolved.
@phase2 I'd rather have the option to choose which updates I get for my system instead of the bulk rolled update myself but yeah I hear ya.
@phase2 I do the same thing. Had a few friends that worked with Microsoft advise pausing updates for one to two weeks cause of the lack of troubleshooting in recent updates.
@PatrickKay Or as we said it back when I was working at Waffle House "As the Waffle Burns."
Current status: Just finished a write up pleading fellow writers to speak up about US politics and contacting their local officials. It's in Tumblr and visible to all. #lgbtq #lgbt #activism https://www.tumblr.com/taurussystem/756247724443189248/the-power-of-the-written-word
To anyone trying to resuscitate the Dump Joe pseudo-movement. It's dead, Jim; it's not going to come back to life no matter how hard you beat that horse.
propaganda/ joke about Heathens. might offend Christians Show more
@99reasons4truth Airfreewireless.
Pagan/Music Lover/Artist
No Frith & No Grith with Fascists and Nazis.
Discord Admin of Cloud9 & Welcome Wagons