@WhiteRose A star.
@LaurelGreen prayers to Eir and healing spells, got you covered. Hope it all goes well.
@LowEndMuse Sending healing vibes and love, man. I'm glad you came through. ❤️
@Pungent I recently started that show it's pretty good.
We're coming at you LIVE with an important #CoSoTips entry that you should keep in mind as the United States enters its Election Season.
It is YOUR responsibility to manage YOUR experience.
While it can be helpful for others to hashtag potentially uncomfortable topics, it is 100% on you to curate your own timeline as you see fit.
To maximize your experience, create FILTERS for disagreeable topics, BLOCK disagreeable users, or better yet, simply let it scroll on by.
@CoSoTips Thank you.
@sentientdessert Thank you genuinely.
Oooooo look at that! Another Republican hate bill is deemed #unconstitutional.
Montana law defining sex as ‘male’ or ‘female’ unconstitutional, judge says https://www.ktvq.com/news/montana-news/montana-law-defining-sex-as-male-or-female-unconstitutional-judge-says
@WhiteRose That's wonderful! 🥰
@AndersonArtwork @th3j35t3r Haha I agree with Scott on this one. XD
@stueytheround @th3j35t3r Yep, can confirm that, as of 8 years ago. $22k for a delivery with no complications. @CherNohio
@jaunty @th3j35t3r I absolutely agree. Healthcare IS a human right and everyone deserves the same quality of care as the elites do.
@th3j35t3r I firmly believe that insurance as a business, needs to be completely separated from the medical practice. I know of people that were denied the care they needed because the insurance didn't want to cover the costs of that care. Cost should not equate to health care, and it should never have been integrated into the medical industry. I'm a supporter of universal healthcare, whether it's funded by the people, or by the government and no one should be excluded from it via privilege.
@AskTheDevil @th3j35t3r When it comes to dealing with doctors trying to push some new line of medication, I tend to question them throughly about the medication, it's side effects, and what the ratios are for my own unique issues with regular medication turning out to do the reverse of what it's formulated to do. (Hngh, not just SSRI's but many over the counter medications do that to me.) Oddly, I intimidate doctors with asking straight questions about what they are offering in treatment.
@sheseala That's awesome! Huh, I might use a bit of that for the concept!
@sheseala But with the way their DNA structure is designed, they are able to pass on basically a "how to survive" guide encoded in the DNA itself as a form of genetic memory, which is one of the reasons why they carry so much information in their DNA. Least how I would explain it anyway.
Pagan/Music Lover/Artist
No Frith & No Grith with Fascists and Nazis.
Discord Admin of Cloud9 & Welcome Wagons