@Victor Why do I hear trumpets and keep seeing a remote tropical island???
@wolfwoman No one is everyone's favorite. I'm living proof. I'm only some peoples favorite ^_^
@1MirandaAllen There would no financial reason for someone to steal the oil from your car. If you're finding it without oil, it cold be that you're burning it off. That could mean your rings are going. It's also possible that it could be leaking out from the undercarriage in a hard to observe spot.
My brother you are here, present with me, and it gives me so much happiness. ^_^
@Vozy Good morning dear brother! It's a joy to see you!
@CinnamonGirlE She was a good and groovy soul. Paula, in Dawnbreak, was a bit of a tribute to her.
You're very kind, but I was quite lucky to know her for the time she was here. Of course I miss her presence, but I know miss her because of the outsized impact she made on my life.
The wonderful blessing of having good people in one's life is more than worth the grief of their passing.
It's another paradox. My Aunt Karen and I corresponded by email back and forth, I'm a novelist, she was a therapist and a proofreader/editor for my Uncle's works so we'd really get deep and send the pages, sometimes taking more than a month to reply.
As she was dying of cancer, I wrote about how there was a conceit there would always more time. Later on, she wrote that she was nearing her end, and as I was writing my reply, she passed.
Talk about underling a point...
@Minholkin I think its going to be quite a fine Saturday. It looks to be quite pretty outside!
@CinnamonGirlE In my head, it still feels like I'm in my 20s, and its a regular surprise that I'm near 44 and that those times were 20 years ago.
It's not getting any better. It's a strange kind of time dilation. Time seems like it's going to go on forever, all the while I know it is ticking down. It's a paradox of perception.
Meanwhile, things seem to be moving faster, as I, very gradually, slow down. Slowly I've begun to understand how fast it all slips by.
@CinnamonGirlE People talk about the wonders of the body, the genius of nature, when in reality, evolution is a jury rig of a jury rig... What works best to get just over the line and survive.
To put it another way, nothing is perfect, and collectively so often one can only focus on getting by that its rather difficult to look up and see where it's all going until its to late.
Have you ever seen the cartoons where they are laying track in front of a train franticly? Life is kind of like that.
@CinnamonGirlE We once did. There were at least train lines that crisscrossed the country, and many cities had robust street car lines.
Now we have amtrak, and ireggular bus service. It seems in some ways that our quest for progress ended in regression in some ways.
Define Irony.
@CinnamonGirlE Apples are proof the Gods love us and wish us happy
@Madken65 I'm sorry buddy. You're a good and groovy soul, and I cant imagine what objection he would have of you, much less it being of any merit.
Are you alright?
@Evvie I wish you a joyous and blessed life with your partner, full of every good thing. May you reach your golden years with a sotrehouse of happy memories that will carry you both well beyond the far horizon.
Good morning groovy souls!
I slept more last night than I have in about 2 months. I feel pretty good this morning. Going to walk to the gym, wander back after a few hours, get a shower and work on getting Farthest Star out for preorder.
My Husband had to work 4 hours of overtime last night, and so we didn't get it out.
Today should be the day! Stay tuned!
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.