@wolfwoman @carmen Just watch for updates. It seems inevitable I'll roll through most anyone's territory eventually. :P ^_^
@AskTheDevil I'm doing alright. Doing a lot of processing... and sleeping.
@catmomkathy Hello new buddy! Thank you for joining me on the journey!
@AskTheDevil Hello most groovy soul! How are you?
@Devo_The_Dutchie Welcome to coso!
@LnzyHou @JGSchaeffer I had 5k folks on twitter but only one or two followed me over. @EdgeOErin is the reason I'm here.
I'm so glad he told me about this place. I miss a lot of my old twitter buddies, but this place feels like home.
@stueytheround Hey buddy! ^_^ *BIG BIG SUPER HUG!*
Good morning groovy souls!
I am feeling better, feeling focused, but I'm still not on the bounce. I'm having a hard time pushing beyond where I'm at right now and that's ok.
It's hard for me to show this patience but I know if I push to hard I will make even less progress.
When I'm restarting there are always a few moments of false start until everything catches and I'm back at 100% again.
Things will sort!
@JanetZumba_FalPals JanNaut has given bunny a follow. Bunny is free! ^_^
Thanks for joining me on the journey groovy souls!
@teeveedub It's nice to have you here.
@Horrrflmlvr They ask you questions and you don't know anything. If you're comfortable taking a risk in doing so, give them disinformation.
Become more aware of what you say, where you say it, and who you say it to. In times of hardship and totalitarianism information is currency, and a weapon.
@Horrrflmlvr It's time to stop thinking like an activist and start thinking like an operative.
Much can be gained and thwarted by polite refusal.
Novelist. Rebecca Mickley on Amazon.
43.Open to DMs. Therian Hare, feral wilderness cryptid aspiring to build a monastic heathen life. Hail Eostre! AMA.