That's not exactly how it works. While malvertising is real and ad blockers effective, the 'new' issue is bad guys are using legitimate ad services as redirect links and emailing them to people. By using ad service redirects, security software see the link as legitimate because ad companies are big business. Those links will not be blocked by security software. You won't even know it's a malicious link unless you look at the link code itself because the real link is obfuscated. It's devious. 😒
That's because it wasn't trash. I've played since the release; almost 900 hours in 5 playthroughs. Had some glitches early on but nothing game breaking. I did it all on a PC, not a last gen console, and it's been great the whole time. Without a doubt one of the best games ever made. I'm really glad I didn't listen to the trolls. 😀
Redactl is ridiculous (and addictive.) That is all.
(Don't go into the light!)
(You've been warned.)
Do you think it'll override his asshole personality and make him a decent human being?
The Guardian: Musk says brain chip to begin human trials soon – and plans to get one himself.
On the off chance the question is sincere, if there is smoke it's not frying but burning. Reduce your temperature and cook longer. If you really must fry at a higher temp, get a high temp vegetable oil to increase the heat you can cook at without burning (BTW, smoking oil is also burning.) This would be easier on a gas stove as you can better control the heat. Use cast iron if you have it as it's a better heat sink. Good luck.
My life is already pretty good: good job, good partner, good friends. Sometimes it's about ensuring it doesn't become different @YogaSteve. We've had a Republic of democratically elected government for over 200 years. I want to ensure it stays that way. Putting him in jail won't change my life appreciable. But it will send a message to dissuade other would be tyrants so my descendants will have my good life as well.
Just binge watched season 1 of Wednesday on Netflix. 4 out of 5 stars. Recommend if you're into dark comedy with minor jump scares and "easy" mysteries. Just plain fun. #netflix #streaming #tv
To all the new members, CoSo is not Twitter. This is not a "BREAKING" news site. There is no algorithm to game by threading full page ads into the Community Firehose. This is a site where people come to vicariously enjoy other people's lives. If this isn't your thing, stick to Twitter or try Mastodon. This social media meetup isn't for you. If you've anything to sell, well, just move along please. We're not buying. (*Thoughts my own. I do not speak for others or management.)
I've been working at the same company in various IT positions for 20.5 years. I'm not sure how that happened. My Army career was 13 years. I did a 12 month stint as a temp, then was hired on by that company where I did another 4. That's it. That's all my employments. I've not been unemployed since I was 18. Guess you could figure out how old I am from that. Lol.
@Dogbanefluff1 Success! Welcome to Counter Social.
Hi @poemblaze - When folks start that with me, I remind them harvest celebrations are as old as agriculture, and perhaps older. It's not about turkeys and Native Americans. It's about being grateful we have a bountiful harvest (and not necessarily in a religious sense though there has always been that aspect to it.) We're thankful we will move into the new year hale and healthy. That all our loved ones will too. Anyway, happy bountiful harvest! (For which I am indeed thankful.)
@nbourre Hi. I'll help. The CO2 is a bi-product of the acid neutralization. The more produced, the more acid neutralized. Extra credit if he gives the actual neutralization formula in his paper. Good luck!
"I am not altogether on anybody’s side, because nobody is altogether on my side, if you understand me…"