Those of you who were talking with me about the housing situation and taxes being sold - nobody wants to help us! We have asked several times for an estimate of redemption and keep getting the run around. I'm not sure what we are to do. We have 4 dogs and can't just up and move =/ If ya'll got some ideas.

Update: We live in a redemption state for property taxes. Our ptax was sold in Oct (that's how we found out about it) and now 3months later he can do ownership??


Let's hope.

So spoke to our park manager and she is going to speak with the buyer of the taxes and offer them two abandon mobile homes along with us paying the guy back what he paid and possibly a fee on top.

That's the update.


and its not looking good fuck. ๐Ÿ˜• we cant afford to just move ..... got back with food to this news .. SO is upset beyond ๐Ÿ˜•

ยท 7ยท 2ยท 9

The manager of the park that bought her home told our park manager who offered two homes and us paying what they paid plus some extra said "if she has the money to buy it back why didn't she have the money to pay her taxes" .... wow ๐Ÿ‘Œ so it's not that she refused to pay them, she wasnt aware they were due as she hadnt gotten any notices in the mail ever. idk what to do ugh

@MrGoat hey, would the park manager give yall one of the abandoned ones they were going to give the guy. That the AC, and everthing you put into the one your in now and start in another one. Not ideal, and a shit ton of work....but if they will give it to you for free.. that might be an option?
What can we do for you?

@MrGoat well check them out...I know its alot to wrap your head around. But focus... you can do this.

@MrGoat sorry bro, wish there was something we could do to help

@MrGoat I'm sorry, homies. Here's hoping a solution reers its head ASAP

@MrGoat it should have been sent by certified mail. There must be a law that the owner was informed.. .and when I say informed, I mean legally, like a certified letter, or an actual deputy handing her papers.

@MrGoat hey , when you go to that page there is a live chat person that can set you up ....go to the page a look for the char bubble. I just chatted with them.

@MrGoat you would know if you signed for a document in an envelope. Or if a deputy served you papers.
Someone is messing with you. You have rights. They can't just buy a home on a tax lein without notifing the owners....not legally they can't. You need a lawyer and threaten to sue the asshole doing this... then they have to pay your legal fees. Ask a lawyer. They usually give a free 30 min consultation. They will know your rights

@MommaJ @MrGoat
He found a notice in the back yard that appeared to have been supposed to be posted on the property, like a notice for a zoning hearing. That's probably considered sufficient.

@MrGoat @MommaJ
Lol, water bills in Philadelphia are a mess. Always sent to the owner of the property instead of the tenant, so they tenant doesn't know if the bill isn't getting paid until there's a shut off.

@MrGoat @MommaJ
Our tax bill just comes regular mail. And our back lot was once two parcels, with the back one actually part of a property around the corner. They consistently mail the tax bill for that little square to a non-existent address in the rear of that house, then they want to tack on fees for it being paid late, to be collected by a law firm that never seems to be able to manage to update the mailing address, so they keep collecting their fees.

@EileenKCarpenter @MrGoat yall are not understanding me......yes normal taxes are a normal bill. Someone BUYING YOUR PROPERTY BECAUSE OF NOT paying over due taxes SHOULD NOT be normal Mail. That should be certified letter at the least. Think about it. There's even a movie about this kinda thing. They have to serve the tenant papers BEFORE they can just buy your home from you.

@MommaJ @MrGoat
Agreed -- but an orange sign posted on the front of the property might be considered the equivalent to a certified letter -- maybe better, if the tenant gets informed that the absentee landlord is losing the property.

@EileenKCarpenter That notice was found after the sale of the taxes because it was shoddily taped to siding I'm guessing .... it was dirty and near the back by our dog fence @MommaJ

@MrGoat @MommaJ
There are process servers who can be convinced to make sure the notice never actually gets to the recipient but that all the legal requirements appear to be met. It could have been put back there in the first place, after dark.

@EileenKCarpenter @MrGoat

Here's one example of why people can't just buy others homes without proper paperwork.

Example. Say a property owner provides the county (the taxing authority) with a new address for mailings. But the county doesn't send any notices about the delinquent taxes to the property owner at the new address. So, the property owner doesn't receive notice of a tax sale. In this situation, the sale could probably be set aside for lack of proper notice.

@EileenKCarpenter @MrGoat

The sale should be set aside due to lack of proper notice . PERIOD.

@MommaJ @MrGoat
We're all in agreement on this -- but how does Goat make that happen, when no one at the county tax office is paid to make sure the folks at the trailer park are being treated fairly, and the guy who bought it may be one of their boss's campaign contributors?

@MommaJ I get it but I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do if the free lawyers won't help - cos like I said I can't afford a retainer.
they be like 2000+ usually @EileenKCarpenter

@MrGoat @MommaJ
Another source is the county or state bar association. Private attorneys are expected to do some "pro bono" work -- free work for people who can't afford it. I think the bar association has a list of lawyers in a rotation to take cases for people who call. A friend of mine handled the highly publicized case of a woman who murdered her baby, so someone who needs some forms filled out to keep her mobile home would be a dream assignment.

@MommaJ I'm thinking if they didn't ask maybe it was sent because a loan finance company was holding them in escrow and it went to them maybe?? Something is super not right here.

@Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine @MommaJ @MrGoat I agree. I'm not a lawyer, but I grew up with a bunch of um. There would and will be official paperwork connected to this. I would definitely call around until you can find someone who can help you understand the process. Don't just give up your home. Many lawyers will happily help you out. Especially if there is a possibility of a big payout at the other end. Do whatever you can to find out what happened in as much detail as you can.

@MrGoat that is... Wow. Was it purchased on a loan? We're the taxes held in escrow and the loan financier didn't pay them or something? That makes zero sense to me. ๐Ÿค”

@Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine i guess she just didn't get any notices for the last couple years for property taxes and it's not in my name so of course I don't think about it you know?

@MrGoat @Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine
If you're paying rent to the trailer park for the land, it's not obvious that there's a separate tax on the mobile home itself as property. Most states don't levy property tax on cars, for instance.

@MrGoat @AlphaCentauri
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this.
The man purchased the property the mobile home is sitting on for back taxes.
The lady owns the trailer you rent.
So she would have to move the trailer to a different property or buy the property which she owned from this man. ๐Ÿค”
What are his intentions for this property? Did he want to put his trailer on it? Does he think he owns the trailer also? Sorry. I just don't understand why he would do that.

My GF owns the mobile home.

She had it prior to us getting together.

She missed paying the property tax on the mobile home itself - lot rent isn't taxed?!

He wants to move this trailer to his park.


@Klaatu_Veratta_Nectarine I'm at the point where I will probably have police trying to take me to jail over this situation but let's hope not, I will show my ass to the world. I really don't want to. @AlphaCentauri

@MrGoat @AlphaCentauri
Yes be calm. It will only cause more trouble. Only a sheriff can evict I think and there has to be 45 days notice? I heard about something in the back yard. Wow

@MrGoat Have we asked the guy to name his price? It can't be more than $5K. ๐Ÿค” If he names his price, you'll know what it's going to take to continue to live mortgage/rent free vs. paying a retainer or finding a pro bono attorney.

The guy is sleaze and he won't care to tip you all right out onto the sidewalk, they like to prey on people in mobile home parks like this. It's easy pickings for them, they figure you won't be able to fight back.

We could crowd fund to settle this...

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