
Hey, I'm new here. Just checking g things out!

@Montyjammable πŸ‘‹
Welcome to CoSo
Jump in when you're ready & let us know if you have any ?'s


If things are moving too fast for you, just scroll the column up and down, it should stop, then you can scroll down at your own pace.

Click the three dots beside Edit Profile and a menu pops up. Choose preferences and select Ostritch Mode until you figure things out. This is also where the "filter" option lives. I counted mine last weekend. I have over 120 set up. πŸ˜‚ I'm persnickety!

@Montyjammable welcome! You will definitely like it here πŸ˜‰βœŒοΈ


Welcome Home !

Pull up a chair.
Read a few timelines.
Follow a few people.
Jump into any conversation.

Ask any question.

You are safe here.

If for any reason you ever feel uncomfortable.
Use the tools:

Here is a users Guide

@Montyjammable Welcome. Check out the firehose and see what you like.

@Montyjammable Welcome to Coso! peek the user guide ( i believe someone already linked to it) and definitely follow @CoSoTips

Most importantly take your time and if you get stuck just ask away. β˜•

@Montyjammable Welcome Monty! Lovely community here!
Friday nights are movie nights if you have a pro acct. Just have been to one but it was fun watching with others here.

@Montyjammable welcome, you’ve found a great place. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»


Hi πŸ‘‹

Welcome to CoSo

Here is a link to the user guide

Check out # Coso tips

Feel free to join in any conversation or ask any questions, that is what we do here.

Welcome to CoSo πŸ₯°
Here is the User Guide:

Some suggestions:
Try # cosotips & @CoSoTips
CoSo community is built on hashtags, so look πŸ‘€ at the extensive list of in the guide.
Follow a few folks from the Firehose who interest you and settle into a friendly community.
Also, we love pet/animal pics. Here’s my cat saying ”stop with the pics” πŸ€£πŸ’•πŸ€£

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