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This morning's software transcription error is interpreting a stammered "med...medical-legal" as "metamagical."

Metamagical is way more fantastic than medical-legal.

Good morning CoSo!

Gaming4Guts ( ) is looking for gamers to stream with us for the 9th annual charity livestream event supporting Crohn's & Colitis Foundation.

The gaming livestream event runs December 1-3 this year. If you'd like to join our streaming roster, the link is .

Lillith boosted

Hey I ran this poll in my early CoSo days but there are more of you here now 👋 so I'm running it again: Without looking it up anywhere first, what do you know about misophonia?

The software transcription error of the day is interpreting "e-filing" as "defiling."

This morning I am excited (screaming jumping up and down flailing) about this.

It's already Winter Weather Advisory season here but Meade is an excellent bedwarmer.

I may have a painfully swollen arm and lymph nodes all along my right side from COVID injection but on a plus note I can read minds and shoot lightning out of my fingertips.

Lillith boosted

Plans for today: Round 2 of Trying To Get A Covid Vaccine At My Local Pharmacy

I am intrigued by the latest WoW expansion cinematic (it's gorgeous!) but as a priest player... not enough to rush out and prepurchase it. Not yet.

I'm rewarding myself for good labs by eating Hallowe'en candy and ramen.

It seems counterproductive but idgaf.

Lillith boosted

Today's prompt is "Massive." I wasn't really feeling that prompt, so I chose Yunho from Ateez for practice. This was a fabric exercise. ...Anyway, have you seen how tall that dude is? Yunho is pretty massive.

I'll be livestreaming some sort of games in December for Gaming4Guts IBD awareness campaign but I have no idea what to stream now.

Also I have the hiccups. I hope they are gone by December.

I wore Jedi Robes to the monthly videoconference and got props from the managing partner, go, me.

Today's practice is Beast.

This one is from a set of X-men (Jim Lee's) playing cards from the 90s, and it was very satisfying even if I didn't get the face / hands right.

I learned a lot about line widths with this! I probably should have been using comic book style all month.

Fasting for labs this afternoon and I'm about to bite the head off anyone who gets within melee range.

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