Today is:
National Culinarians Day
National Hot Fudge Sundae Day
National Wine And Cheese Day
International Coffee Day
I can't look away from this
@Fiikus_goddess @raspberrypanda
New ramen recipe to try
@Fiikus_goddess @raspberrypanda
There's a ramen library
Potato perogies flavored potato chips because I like my potatoes to taste extra potatoier.
Little buttery flavor, spicy sweetness.
"The scientists aren't certain how oxygen is created at such dark depths, but they believe it's being produced by electrically charged minerals called polymetallic nodules, which range in size from a small particle to about the dimensions of a potato."
#potato #anythingbutmetric
Today is National Tequila Day!!!!!
and international Coffee Day
"Stare, stare into the basin
And wonder what you've missed"
The wishes barrel starts behind the curtain.
always down for noods and foodpron