
Stop everything and make my grandmother's shortbread right now!!!!!

1 ½ cups flour

½ tsp salt

½ cup corn starch

1 cup butter

½ cup sugar

Sift flour, salt, cornstarch together twice then work in sugar, then butter continually kneading and working until the dough is fine and smooth. Press in 9 inch square pan and bake at 350° for half to ¾ hours.

@Kurtroedeger ty sounds good. Never used that much arrowroot will try it

Late to the show, but this looks amazing! I ❤️ Shortbread

@Kurtroedeger @Beastalowrangler
Absolutely correct!!! I know ‘cause I am among the luckiest people ever - grandmas!

@Kurtroedeger You lost me at sift. Way too hard for my skillset. 😂

you're fine, skip it as long as your flour isn't lumpy and you mix enough to get the corn starch mixed evenly through it.


Dang it, I’m just now getting this! Thank god I haven’t started breakfast yet.😎

@Kurtroedeger I've never cooked anything with that much cornstarch. What does it "add" to the recipe?

More crumbly texture so less gluten forming up for chewiness

@Kurtroedeger shortbread is one of my favorite food groups 😁 can't wait to try this!

@Kurtroedeger okay. But a little bit later, okay? I've been peddling real hard today, and my doggies are barking!

@Kurtroedeger on a scale of ezpz to killmenow, how much work is kneading until fine/smooth?

@evistre pretty close to ezpz. I only ever just mix with a fork. I don't even sift. It's pretty forgiving. Just needs to be mixed evenly.

@Kurtroedeger mmmm, perfect level of difficulty for meeee. i love shortbread :)

growing up i found a recipe for boterkoek and i fixed that all the time. tons of butter lol


Butter is one of the major food groups.

Recipe please 🥺🥺🥺🥺

@Kurtroedeger I... I'm not sure if I have it. I'll take a peek in the books I have.

@evistre don't go to any trouble. Sounded interesting. 😍🤗

@Kurtroedeger It's quite good!

I didn't find it in the most likely book, but give this a look-see: nosanitize

@evistre it honestly takes me longer to get the ingredients out and put them away than it does to mix and stick in the oven.

Pics of you make it because I always want vicarious noms and foodpron

@Kurtroedeger just found a recipe for apple crisp cookie with base of shortbread. Sliced apple in middle and oatmeal crisp on top Prrfect timing🍪


Any idea how this works out with gluten-free flour?

@Kurtroedeger I love that this recipe is coming around again. It's the cornstarch that makes all the difference. I have a recipe for "Meltaways" cookies that use cornstarch, and they do, in fact, melt in your mouth.

@elbutterfield it's about the only thing we use cornstarch for in our house and the reason it's in the cupboard

@Kurtroedeger what is this starch of the corn of which you speak. Sounds like a rare ingredient or the concoction of an alchemist.
By the temperature that this concoction must be fired sounds like it needs the flame of a dragon to produce. This flame would boil water at least three and a half times over, in this land.


@Kurtroedeger tis the preferred measurement system.
Though cups of butter are always a challenge.

@Kurtroedeger I was making a banana loaf and my digital scales decided to go on the fritz.
I have a set of cups, that I rarely use, and had to Google what 140 grams of flour, butter and suger was in cups. 1 and 1/8th of a cup is not easy to measure. :)


It's easy, just use about 7.5 gerbils worth.
Or 3/4 of a wild guinea pig. Not domesticated, they too chunky.

@Kurtroedeger interesting. I think I have a Siberian hamster that I could use and just scale up from gerbil by a ninth or three.

@Kurtroedeger I would have to substitute for the sugar. Since you are the Nom Police do you stop people from eating?

@poemblaze sort of, mostly I'm just corrupt and use the position so solicit nom bribes or to unlawfully seize noms I want.

@Kurtroedeger The Captain Renault of CoSo. "I'm just a poor corrupt official" 😊

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