@Lindy @BillieBun Go ahead and do the Experian monitoring. Monitoring protection is standard to offer when a breach occurs and a good idea. Been there 2-3 times and Experian seems to be the go to.

@Alfred Is or was there a Dr.Harry Peterson as referenced in the Chinese series “Three Body”?

@postal_poet My question exactly! The face brightens up when I sign in for a lesson.

Watched movie Oppenheimer for the second time and this song comes to mind. It has haunting relevance in these times.

“Russians” by Sting

@DJNoneYa So glad Fred Guttenberg and other strong advocates like him stayed on X formerly known as Twitter. I’m nobody and left last year. Someone must respond vigorously to such posts!

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In case anyone requires this

Aid Access

Medical abortion provider


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I don't care if Joe Biden is 846 years old. Donald Trump and the Republicans are poison and an existential threat to American democracy.

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Well it ain't the bird app any more, the name made sense before, now it doesn't lol; oh well, good thing we're all over here now

@mkagle I forgot my mask running into a pharmacy, a place sick people frequent. Both young store clerks were wearing good masks! Those behind the pharmacy window were not (fathom that and it’s no longer required). I thanked the clerks and apologized for forgetting mine.

@Ellico2020bis You’ve got that absolutely right, in fact, I once fishtailed into the side of another vehicle breaking on the downhill. Not serious but it could have been.

@Ellico2020bis My parents bought me a red Gremlin through a family friend and surprised me-I paid for it. It was a V8 304 engine, too fast for its own good. They couldn’t have picked the Toyota Celica instead?

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@horacemajeur And then there’s the guy with some kind of saw in his garage, who loves woodworking at all hours early and late.

Perfect latrines to inspire at your local track meet or sporting event: SaniCan whose slogan is, “It’s go time!”

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