@Kurtroedeger Milk and cookies, hallowed be thy name
@Kurtroedeger all hail its creamy center. #oreos
@sfleetucker That's one theory
TFW someone openly mentions that they are using "Password!" as their password for a critical administrator system account.
@SatuUnelmia @fitzyritzy welcome to the neighborhood
@kel reminder for most people...
My Vote don't count
Yello Pain
@MrGoat I think the market is impacted by the supply issue which goes back to my previous question. We need some damned restrictions on that too.
@MrGoat folks? Or corporate entities who are bulk purchasing homes and driving the price up
@VelvetDuchess brought to you by AI??
@TheNightOwler welcome back
@Museek this is why you do your research
@Museek definitely not. You should really consider robbing a less secure bank.
@MrGoat "wrong"
Would? (unplugged)
Alice in Chains
Husband, Dad, & aspiring Agilist. I like to make problems fade into oblivion. Stupidity hurts. He/him