Jazz Violin? That's gotta suck right? WRONG!
@Tee_Lynn the cops most certainly CAN do something, they just don't want to because they are complicit
How is that harassment --and for three nights in a row--not a crime? 😡
I am pretty sure threats and harassment are still crimes.
Immiserated, stupid, and sickly is the MAGA way.
Shan Wu explains some of the issues re Jack Smith and the MAGA malefactors...
Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. The more things change the more they stay the same.
This memory popped up this morning.
@TheAbbotTrithemius Largely due to setting the algo toward Big Five Personality Traits that favor That was the entire premise of “Mindfuck” by Christopher Wylie.
The algo finds the correlations between people who have low empathy and conscientiousness and high neuroticism and the algo blasts Rogan and Tate ads to them. Constantly. Non stop.
TPM has been publishing their readers observations about the election. This one is especially revealing of how algorithms drive the “bro” online culture via what it perceives as male interests using almost any young male oriented subject area as a way to target and feed them Rogan and others in that bro landscape (Andrew Tate)…
Again and again the algo is the out of control poison diminishing us all.
Your [TPM reader{ Reactions #14
@lisaannlm The two complains I read from people who tried here and left are:
1. The user interface is different
2. There is not enough engagement
(1) is laziness. They presumably forgot that they had to learn how Twitter/IG/Facebook worked.
(2) is where they confuse engagement with useful engagement. Sex bots and assholes provide engagement, but not useful engagement. Unfortunately a lot of people get a dopamine high from every response.
@StevenSavage I live in a community that is about 50% hispanic.
I'll get the news pretty fast.
And if anyone truly listened to Stephen Miller and the idiot, they'd realize "naturalized" won't mean a damned thing.
According to the idiot... American means "Murican"
Children’s book by chef Jamie Oliver is withdrawn after criticism from Indigenous Australians
Indigenous campaigners were particularly aghast that neither Oliver nor his publishers, Penguin Random House, had consulted with them before the novel was published.
I used to be a nice boy, I used to cut the grass.