It’s Monday and I’m in a mood.
Not sure what kind of mood it is, but once I’ve had some coffee, I might be better able to figure it out.
Today's random question: What do your clothes say about you?
@ceorl Stop acting my age? I never *started*. 😜
Today's random question: Scrambled, fried or poached?
@DyDave Though I'm also partial to my Hagstrom Swede. Interesting take on the classic Les Paul setup with a "mud switch" that really dirties up the sound when you want to get swampy.
@DyDave That's a classic, no doubt. Great sound, great look.
Here's my go-to axe: a 1973 Fender Strat which I customized with double coil in the third slot. Of all the guitars I've ever owned, this is hands down my favorite.
@DyDave Okay, and one more track and then I'll stop pimping myself for the day. 😂
@DyDave and I have been chatting guitars and gear this morning, and I wanted to share a track I recorded a few years back that showcases three different guitars.
@DyDave Nice old school setup. We could talk gear all day, but I can already see all the other Cosonauts eyes glazing over. 😂
@DyDave I've been playing since I was 8 years old, professionally since my late teens (various bands of varied success, lots of studio work). I have almost as many amps and racks as I have guitars. 😜
@DyDave I find it also depends on studio vs live. I prefer my Gibsons (Les Paul and SG) on stage and my Fender Strat in studio.
@DyDave that's more like it!
I'm currently down to just seven guitars (five electric, one acoustic, one bass). And even then, it's often a hard decision which one to practice with today.
@DyDave Only four? That looks like a starter kit. 😁
Managing editor of The Chattanooga Pulse website, best-selling SF/F editor, traffic reporter, sometime musician, kitten wrangler, lover of tropical shirts.