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One of my coworkers, Jack, claims that he can communicate with vegetables.

Apparently, Jack and the beans talk.


I'm not really sure what oxidants are, all I know is that I'm supposed to be against them.

Question of the Day: One night you wake up because you hear a noise. You turn on the light to see yourself surrounded in your room by a bunch of mummies. They’re just standing there, not doing much of anything. What do you do?

Someone asked me what my main life goal was. I told them I just want to be rich enough to be referred to as eccentric instead of crazy.

Trying to embrace the day, even though it's a Monday.

Yeah, I'm having a bit of trouble carpeing that old diem...

Do you know how hard it is to work from home when you have an absolutely adorable bundle of fur in your lap?

Checking my work email this morning, and someone used a hashtag. In an email. That's not how this works...that's not how any of this works.

When I was a kid, I wanted to live in a tree house. Now that I’m an adult, I still want to live in a tree house. 😎

I was a big fan of RISK back in the day. Played it a LOT through high school.

How come the only normal people are the ones I don't know very well?

Having difficulty getting the old body into gear this morning. The machinery seems a bit creaky and in need of some oiling. And coffee, of course.

So it's 5 o'clock... time for some Crown & Coffee.

(evening edition)

Got this nice throwback photo of a trip to Disneyland in 1972 from my sister. That's her on the far left, sitting along with my cousin Eric, Aunt Tami, me, and cousin Jeff. Gotta love my hairstyle. 😎

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Gary Poole

CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.