@finkled "dainty" and "boxed wine" are not something you normally see combined in a sentence. 😂
The key to happiness is to find someone who will look at you like this fox is looking at a cup of coffee.
Or better yet, just take the coffee and be happy with more energy. 😎 ☕
Today's random question: Who's your favorite artist?
Who cares about Margaritaville?
I want to go to Coffeeville where the coffee cups float serenely on the calm shores of a beautiful lake ... and are big enough even for me. 😁 ☕
Wearing different shoes to work?
Been there, done that...
(look, I get up really early in the morning and usually get dressed in the dark)
@LnzyHou @CinnamonGirlE My wife has an automatic coffee maker: me. As I'm up first, so I make the coffee. 😁 ☕
Coffee, so delicate, yet so simple.
It can give you the highest of buzzes, to the deepest of thoughts.
Coffee is a blank canvas, and the drinker is the artist.
@pendrag Waffles are just pancakes with abs.
Me: "Hey honey, how's your Monday going so far?"
Me: (backs away slowly, making no sudden moves)
Today's random question: Where’s Waldo?
@th3j35t3r So the rest of us have someone to make fun of?
Managing editor of The Chattanooga Pulse website, best-selling SF/F editor, traffic reporter, sometime musician, kitten wrangler, lover of tropical shirts.