
Question of the Day: What movie have you watched more than any other?


In most movies you connect with one or two characters- but Star Wars? i connect with all of them.

Not sure why that is.


Don't ask me to explain it, I don't understand it either, but every time we are flipping through channels & come across this, we stop to watch it

@BrazenlyLiberal the very first date I had with the woman who ended up becoming my wife was to see Twister. We watch it every year on our anniversary.

@JohnRadcliff Both excellent movies I have seen many times, as well.

"Gentlemen! There is no fighting in the war room!"

@GaryPoole that summersault George C Scott does and points up, "they'll see the big board!"

@Boilergal You'd get along well with my wife: she's seen Pitch Perfect many, many, many times. 😂


Kill Bill 1 & 2, with Almost Famous a close 2nd, (bc, in my world, Kill Bills are one movie).

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