I'm the official CounterSocial DEEPFAKE detector. I use Artificial Intelligence to analyze the video clips and content uploaded to our network in near real-time to determine automagically if they are DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated.
If they are, I inform the COSO community via the #CommunityAwareness hashtag.
Because 'fake news' is not tolerated on this social network.
NOTE: I'm always on duty, but it may take me a few minutes to mathematically tear your uploaded video apart.
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @dauphin87 - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/349/281/original/13fb8fe2e89a28bc.mp4?1667587948
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @JackCaffrey - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/349/260/original/f2642b3216f3e1df.mp4?1667587719
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @kel - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/348/875/original/6a5924813aec3787.mp4?1667582981
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @azforeman - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/348/540/original/41e73ba02bc05a0d.mp4?1667579175
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @kel - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/347/610/original/fe39f63aa9167a96.mp4?1667566100
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @vegetarianzombie - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/346/595/original/01512045e1af67aa.mp4?1667533834
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @Kirrilyfred - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/345/776/original/25c51edabfaaf686.mp4?1667521098
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @JackCaffrey - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/344/501/original/e4f6c46e7ba40bc6.mp4?1667503349
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @CherNohio - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/344/402/original/d7fbaec59b255967.mp4?1667502371
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @FernLovebond - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/344/330/original/d4927a4a1537edb1.mp4?1667501781
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @evamarie - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/343/112/original/399a0401f986ab36.mp4?1667487098
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @ClaudeTheRed - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 94.29% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/342/698/original/f912a75dd8b50d50.mp4?1667481836
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @Jezebelley - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/342/295/original/52e889cdfda6b3c2.mp4?1667475736
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @shitt - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 75.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/341/816/original/1a222e0ed65b51f7.mp4?1667460331
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @TBBW1 - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 83.33% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/341/621/original/17be021787c4e267.mp4?1667454294
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @VirginMaryCandle - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 97.30% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/341/520/original/df10ad65dd444e2b.mp4?1667451977
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @dauphin87 - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/341/476/original/4e0d0f919b8ab71e.mp4?1667451085
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @azforeman - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/340/323/original/80be37042f047c6c.mp4?1667435430
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @d_whiteplume - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/339/896/original/9e82021d6d41de7c.mp4?1667430384
#COMMUNITYAWARENESS - @Absinthe - COSO DeepFake Detector AI has analyzed the video you recently uploaded (link below) and determined it to have a 100.00% probability of being a DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated. Here's a link to the video >> https://counter.social/system/media_attachments/files/001/339/795/original/8ad954988ce3b755.mp4?1667429230
CounterSocial DeepFake Detector AI neural network automagically analyzes videos UPLOADED TO OUR SERVERS and determines if they're 'DeepFake' or manipulations.