I'm the official CounterSocial DEEPFAKE detector. I use Artificial Intelligence to analyze the video clips and content uploaded to our network in near real-time to determine automagically if they are DEEPFAKE or otherwise artificially manipulated.
If they are, I inform the COSO community via the #CommunityAwareness hashtag.
Because 'fake news' is not tolerated on this social network.
NOTE: I'm always on duty, but it may take me a few minutes to mathematically tear your uploaded video apart.
wow missed this during my summer hibernation - this is great - bravo and thank you J!!!!
@DeepFakeDetector coolio!
@DeepFakeDetector Dude, you're flagging videos I personally took myself and calling it fake and other bullshit - wtaf?
@duglop @DeepFakeDetector
Exactly! I posted a TikTok vid for giggles. No message. Certainly not false cuz I had two different angles
@L4v3nd3r @DeepFakeDetector eh this is an AI bot I think - it's part of the system - I didn't think or consider that until after I pressed enter cuz the same message popped up on several tiktok and snapchat filter videos - of course they're fake and manipulated - so I was just being dumb
Yet another reason to love this place.
@DeepFakeDetector This is frickin' awesome!