Jill Wine-Banks on the Special Counsel appointment.
She's one of the most knowledgeable people in the world on the topic.
I am glad I live in Colorado! #cosopolitics
Well dang, now THERE'S an idea!
A girl and guy I went to school with found each other later in life got married but three years after they were married he was in a tragic car accident Christmas Eve morning. That was six years ago. It was such a difficult Christmas Eve that day I got the call that morning as did many of my classmates. Went to funeral after first of the year. Heartbreaking. Can’t imagine how she gets through every Christmas or Holiday since then. Thinking of those who have such heartbreak over the holidays. 😢👩🦰
I've seen lots of excitement about Yamaha/Toyota hydrogen V8. Even major news sites are caught up.
Sadly, it'll never work the way it's hyped 😕😔
Johnson County paid nearly $300 in per diem to Hayden for attending a conference of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association – a fringe group of sheriffs who contend they can refuse to enforce laws they view as unconstitutional – even though the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office had previously only said the association paid for the trip.
#CSPOA #constitutionalsheriffs
Read more at: https://www.kansascity.com/news/politics-government/article268822187.html#storylink=cpy
#Artemis 1 is AWAY!! Safe journeys to the moon and back!
@MeidasTouch yea screw that guy and I hope the GOP gloms onto his fetid carcass. Thanks for doing the dirty work and watching it
#Kherson: Ukrainian defenders finally have a long-awaited meeting with their families after liberating the region.
Anyone else got sweaty eyeballs?
Lol looks like Twitter is pulling a Facebook on Mastodon >>>
Old school G+, Tweeting because there was nothing better (till CoSo), sensible liberal atheist who may inadvertently offend those addicted to a politician.