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@th3j35t3r watch Jon Oliver, he did a segment on HOAs. Frightening what they can kegally do including acquiring the rights to your property and evicting you. I never doubt your skill but this is an area to be educated in first. GL

@Cryspeg There is a store here that opened, stocking food for “Brits”. Let me know what you like and maybe they will have them and I can check it out.😉😁

Back from Italy. It was beautiful and wore me out! What have I missed?

@Smersh I grew up mostly in Illinois where most of the Governors in my lifetime have ended up in prison.
Bring it on. If they are crooks they need to face the music.

And hallelujah that my friend who also is glad of the news talked me into a trip to Italy in a few weeks. I can spend the intervening time close to home getting my ducks in order and then be off social media or not seeing what is left of my conservative friends. Ciao and hold down the fort😁

@sfleetucker We all have lived with the feeling that he will find a way to wiggle out, like always. Let the river of indictments roll a d then perhaps we exhale.

@RCMhere1 Old carryover from the other place-I’l give you a chance, I can always undo it. Of course. Most that I would unfollow there, I block too. Not an issue here.

@TheNewsOwl That’s a loser. How can offices be impeached without investigation. If Congress can investigate the POTUS actions, the Executive Branch can also investigate Congress. He thinks this will help get the Rs willing to make him Presdient.

@DisasterOracle Listening to the call, they are saying DOA and location is a crime scene. They are still trying to deal with shelter in place and evacuate as well as witnesses. 10-42

J -Thank you for the COSO Public Safety channel broadcast. Long retired me is finding some sense listening to the broadcast. Who knew faded skills would resurface.

@YouInMyEye I may never be allowed to post on FB again.🤣

@spacesloth This made me realize, I don’t think I could have ever made the same statement since Jr High. Could be why after my taxes get dine, the next project is to get rid of Enjoy tomorrow!

@DJNoneYa Says the man who did none of that the 3 times it happened during his term in office.

@DJNoneYa He is going to turn that place into a ghost town.

@jag5081 Its also a way to,gut ACA or Obamacare. Another if their goals.

@corlin @singlemaltgirl If your friend comtinues to recover, and I sincerely hope for that, he needs to consult his lawyer and get issues locked up so that these intruding relatives are not ultimately controlling matters. I hate that people can be like that.

@sfleetucker I actually did and was very surprised. Wordle 590 2/6


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