Did you step on a pop top?
The new program utilizes GPS-based “geo-targeting” to show readers the books that have been banned in their area, with e-book versions available to borrow digitally. https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/libraries/article/92809-dpla-launches-geo-targeted-banned-book-club-via-palace-e-book-app.html
good morning everyone ✌🏽🖖🙏🏻
did you know that many pharmaceuticals use chemical precursors derived from crude oil❓⁉️
now: "Scientists make pain killers from pine trees instead of crude oil".
"A team of scientists, from the University of Bath's Department of Chemistry and Institute for Sustainability found a way to create two common painkillers, paracetamol and ibuprofen, out of a compound found in pine trees, one which is also a waste product from the paper industry."
@see_the_sus I have two boys that moved in together in 2015 and they very rarely sleep next to each other or groom each other. You might need a 3rd who loves both, lol. Keep the faith! #catsofcoso
I’m supporting the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation because I don’t want people suffering from Inflammatory Bowel Disease to feel alone.
Can you help me with a donation or a social share, please?
#CatsOfCoSo how is Spence not waking up? She literally scooted her way right on top of him. She practically standing up lol
@akdblock same here! It's maddening!
Here’s five Indigenous people that helped shape American culture.
I mean the headline says all that but still.
@araquiel @singlemaltgirl when she sits in my lap I try to shape her spots like hearts. She's my spoiled baby.
@araquiel @singlemaltgirl I have a 8 and an 18 pounder. I'll have to try and get a pick and see if it looks this dramatic. She also rules the house. She can give big boy a look and he'll go running, lol. Black - 18, white -9, multi - 15
@duglop Too bad she doesn't know how to relax 😂
@Silverneurotic Good to hear the pain is easing up. I bet that coffee is what did it! How sweet! Hang in there
@Amyfb ok, it makes me feel better that you have similar challenges, lol. I do the catnip redirect, I open the door to the forbidden room and will grab a toy to wave around in the background while on a teams meeting. I'll keep the faith! #FatCats #CatsOfSoCo
@Amyfb this is my exact life! Spence literally whines ALL day.
@Zaptrapped I do use that, thanks! I'm going to have to get him to chase after the laser pointer more often. I worry about his health. He's 10 now.
@musicalcure I feed them a wet breakfast and dinner and supplement with a weight control dry food. I feed the skinny cat up high so he doesn't shove her out of the way. One is thin, one is regular, and Spence is .......hungry lol
@cvfn is love to know too! I think not, but that's only a guess
Flaming progressive liberal, Asheville, serving 3 cats currently, adopt don’t shop!Chicago Bears fan, LGBTQIA ally, RoeVember, Take a knee #TwitterRefugee