Robyn boosted

It's the heavy stuff that breaks your back shoveling, but I love it on the trees

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Robyn boosted

thanks every one for the crop suggestion on photos. I'm going to try again with the tree to see if I can do this😁

why did it upload sideways? IDK😁 It was only $29.01 and I love it🎄

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Robyn boosted

An ambitious plan to save Louisiana’s coastal communities and ecosystems will divert sediment and water from the Mississippi into the Barataria Basin. The $20 billion project is the largest coastal restoration project in the US, and expected to create over 6,200 acres of land in its first decade. Settlement money from the 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon spill will foot the bill.

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Thanks to conservation efforts in China, a number of endangered species are recovering. The Yangtze finless porpoise population has reached nearly 100 while the population of milu deer has expanded from 64 in 1990 to around 2,500 today. Sightings of Shennongjia golden monkeys are also increasing.

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The European Commission just approved €380 million of funding for 168 new biodiversity, circular economy, climate adaptation and clean energy projects across the continent. The biggest chunk has been reserved for 27 nature and biodiversity projects that will support the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030 and the proposed Nature Restoration Law.

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Cities around the world are installing artificial islands brimming with grasses and sedges to clean up their waterways. An acre of floating wetland can absorb pollution from 7-15 acres of urban development while creating a refuge for wildlife. Baltimore was one of the first to trial the invention and the project has been so successful they plan to expand the islands to 10,000 square feet in 2024.

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Robyn boosted

Congratulations to Representative Hakeem Jeffries on being elected unanimously as the next House Leader of the Democrats, the first African-American to have this honour! Shout out to the other Democratic senior House leaders, Representatives Katherine Clark and Peter Aguilar, who will be Whip and Caucus Chair, respectively. Best wishes to them as they tackle the crazy MAGA House majority in the next Congress.

Does any one know why the lawyer rejected congresses offer for the railway union?

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