Robyn boosted

@catherineryanhyde My favorite commercial in the whole wide world, is the one for a horse door. the miniature horse coukd come into the house💕I still want one

It's the heavy stuff that breaks your back shoveling, but I love it on the trees

Robyn boosted
Robyn boosted

@LnzyHou Thank you😃🎄Merry Christmas as well

@StephanieResists These are from my phone. I just trimmed the edge and it worked. I would've never thought of having to have to do that to get them to be upright.

thanks every one for the crop suggestion on photos. I'm going to try again with the tree to see if I can do this😁

@StephanieResists I was hoping for an option afterwards. Otherwise I'm setting my pics sideways in my phones gallery☹

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