Hillary Clinton and others react #CoSoPolitics #politics
I'm so close to 1 million views 😆 #Fishdoorbell #Netherlands #Utrecht https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL7qhnha/
Did you know that you could ring a doorbell in the Netherlands for a fish to be let through upstream so it can spawn? Now you do, just remember to touch grass on occasion 🤣 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLMuP8Se/
A Carolina Wren made a nest in my hanging basket on the front porch, every day I went out and talked to them until they fledged. Now they are all over my yard and appear to act as though they know me, they don't mind me much at all. One even came into the house thru an open door, and I picked it up and returned it outside, it sat close and just chattered at me for like 5 minutes. Now it seems that one of them is in love with a wind chime and keeps landing on top of it and ringing it.