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♀️ Pronouns she/her
📚 Reader of many genres
Screaming Firehawk
🎮 🎲 Gamer
When I use MTG, it stands for Magic the Gathering
Happily married
My username is from a t-shirt that featured Lara Croft scaling a library ladder
Fast crocheter, slow knitter
🐶 🐱 Mom to one huge dog, servant to 2 entitled cats
Vegan, but the tolerant kind
Atheist, but the tolerant kind
Unaffiliated progressive
🎶 Lover of music
:WilLongAndProsper: and :yoda:
The Turtle Moves, Terry Pratchett forever

Yesterday, around 3pm, I received a goodnight text from my dad, because he typed it out the night before and never hit send. 😆

Mittens walked on the remote and muted him. 🤣
I’m taking her cue.

J.D. Vance sucks. He’s a meat puppet, speaking into the camera while oligarchs stick their hands up his ass and make his mouth move.

Yes, I accidentally found the aid package debate on PBS.

I thought I had my anxiety under control this morning. But then the thing I was worried about resolved just fine, and my entire body went, "No, silly, we were a mess!"

Seriously, it was massive flood of relief. 😌

Oh man, I am not in the mood to hear the "bad things are actually great for you" line today. I'm using the tools.

My nephew is touring George Washington University. He sent us a photo of himself standing next to the GW statue, and he’s posing with a water bottle from RPI, where he was also accepted. His other aunt said he was trying to start a bidding war. 🤣

TomeReader boosted

While a certain orange shitgibbon is gassing a courtroom in his sleep, Biden has updated Title IX to protect trans students, taken steps to make renewable energy a priority on public lands, and kicked off $7B in solar grants.

Good morning, CoSo!

I'm about to confirm my address to an obvious USPS text, because obviously the USPS would use an address. Obviously.

(BTW, I forgot to turn my ringer off when I went to bed, and that effing scammer woke me up from a sound sleep. More coffee, please.)

We had another clear sky tonight. Have a good night, CoSo. Hugs to all who need one.

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