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So I paid $1.87 and got three baguettes. I’m never correcting them. I’m riding this baguette train straight to hell. 🥖🚄🔥

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Where are all my fellow chronic pain warriors? Be seen and heard. 💛

I was born with cervical and thoracic Spina Bifida. I will give you the least scientific, but shockingly effective description of said condition: Maybe God just had a little too much to drink and played Jenga with my C&T spine.

I have had 3 neck surgeries, absolutely cannot ride rollercoasters or off-road vehicles. "Rubbernecking" or double-taking can give me totaled car accident level pain.

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About 20 years ago, an English literature teacher told my class never to make fun of someone who mispronounces a word that they used correctly (contextually) because that means they read the word and taught themselves the meaning. Making fun of them might make them lose that urge to read and discover new words. I think about that often and I am grateful.

Piss all the way off, autocorrect.
Yes, I’m searching the library app for “Bunnicula” 🧛‍♂️🐰 not books about “Binoculars.” 😤

Almost done sewing my L’oeuf bag (pattern by Sew Liberated.) But I broke two needles in the same spot and can’t find my backup supply. 😭

Thinking about finally joining the Columbia record club.

Not Barnes and Noble emailing me to tell me that my cheapo membership is now on auto-renew—which has never been the case before… Oh but also I should apparently opt into the $40 premium membership… yeah no.

We’re done here.

Come on CoSo people let's show some love and get our app back up Google Play.
Call, write on X, whatever you can think!!
Thanks ❤️

Google : "counter social is not a safe place."

Also google: "Come on down to Elon's Nazi town where you can say all the racial slurs and directly threaten folks, unless those folks are trump/Elon/their blue check Nazi pals".

@MotherDucker @mcfate It's all fun and games until there's only one pack of muffins left.

Kiddo read me a whole Robert Munsch book before she went to bed tonight. She self-corrected all of her mistakes. She was fluent and she was expressive, making voices and affects for the characters in the story.

I am so excited that she is asking to read aloud to us now too. 🥹


@MotherDucker If they're packing in any circumstance where a normal person wouldn't be, I think we understand them enough - as dangers to themselves and others. Funny how we used to do something in response to such cases.

I will never understand people who feel the need to pack heat to go to the Fresh Thyme. Like it’s a hipster grocery store, you get that right?

A salad is not a Salad without chickpeas, Kalamata olives and a whole pepperoncini. Change my mind.

About to make this bag:

Let the steady stream of curse words and seam ripping begin.

I feel like whomever they select as jurors in the Trump Criminal trial should have a security detail assigned to themselves and their families. Hyperbolic? Perhaps. But also perhaps not.

I have a 15 minute “Mystery Reader” time slot for Kiddo’s kindergarten class today. So naturally it’s taking me multiple hours over three days of staring at her bookshelf to pick just the right book.

So stupid. FB won't let me mention Counter.Social in a text unless I separate the two words and use the word "period". It's like a jealous girlfriend.

I devoured all of Paper Girls in under 24 hours. Like Stranger Things but better and all girls. 9.5/10, would absolutely recommend.

I rearranged my child’s bedroom while she was at school today and I’m praying the novelty of the new room layout will be enough to conceal the fact that I purged lots of little scraps of paper she was saving from crafts that have been languishing on and around her book shelves and dresser.

Woke up at 7:43 in immediate panic. Both hubs and I forgot to set alarm for school (usually wake kiddo at 6:45.) School drop off 8:00-8:15. 🫣 miraculously we were able to get her up, dressed, fed, toileted, teeth brushed in about 20 minutes and made it to the school before the last bus had arrived. 😅 Thank goodness we live so close to the school.

I’m not saying I believe in miracles… but I’m also not saying I don’t.

@MotherDucker Literature majors would like a word. We were required to read hundreds of pages of several books a week and analyze them. They're just mad because we now witness more women reading for escape and pleasure and then discussing it with other women. How dare we.

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