@corlin My husband is a big "Dune" fan (that's how my sand boa ended up with the name Shai-Hulud), and we've had so many conversations that start with me asking a question about the deeper meanings of things in the story. He tells me I should just read the books. I think I'll start with the Brian Herbert trilogy that gives backstory.
But I'm thinking about it tonight. Maybe, for a little more than a year, my high school friend group got as close as we could at that time to understanding community and unconditional love. It's silly...but also maybe not silly.
Maybe we need to learn how to share water and truly mean it when we say, "May you never thirst."
And we really believed we loved each other! We were brothers and sisters, and any disagreement could be resolved. Because we all drank from the water together. So we were one entity made of multiple people.
My husband asked me at what point did I realize I had started a cult? "A few minutes ago, while I'm telling you about it. But you've read the book! That's weirdly fitting!"
And we laughed.
I got my friends to read it. And you had to read it if you were coming into our friend group. We didn't meet up at each other's lockers. We agreed to meet up at water fountains. There was always a glass of water when we had lunch together. If someone wanted to drink from it, someone else held it for them and told them, "May you never thirst." We did it at water fountains, too. Someone else held the button and tood you, "May you never thirst," while you drank.
Today has been a scary day, so I want to console myself and maybe entertain you by sharing a story.
Last night, I was telling my husband about when I was in high school and read Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land" the first time. I didn't really understand it until I read it again as an adult. At that time, I was just enchanted by how Valentine Michael Smith viewed water! Like I was on the edge of having a cosmic mystery revealed if I drank and bathed enough!
Hey yall, it's that time of year again! This year Erin in the morning is promoting LGBTQ girlscout members to help them reach their goals for the year with cookie sales! Tell ya what, I absolutely love thin mints, but yall order up some for yourselves and contribute to a good inclusive organization for youth! #LGBTQ #Girlscoutcookies #Yumyum https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/2024-trans-girl-scouts-to-order-cookies
@thedisasterautist I don't think I've ever read "The Willows". I'll look that one up.
@Alfred Thank you. I feel better just knowing you can't find it either.
@Alfred Where is the item I spent most of the day looking for in the current time? I know where it is in two past times, but I can't get to them because I don't have a time machine.
@stueytheround I just need the right color scarves and a picture frame and that could be my Halloween costume!
@th3j35t3r I'm thankful for your work and happy that you feel happy about it!
@duglop That becomes a complex question. I mean, I didn't use it until nothing was left. So can you erase your eraser if you have to use the eraser to do it? It's like a zen koan for artists.
#cosoauction announcement.
This is going to be the auction thread for the pen below. I turned it using African Pauduk wood &it is a chrome plated finish on the rest. It has a magnetic cap that gives a happy little click when it pulls itself shut, and comes with a black ink cartridge and a refill cartridge. I'll cover shipping in the US. Winner to make the donation directly to the #cosofund
Post here or DM me if you want a secret bid.
Auction ends at 5:00PM East Coast time US on Sunday 1-21.
Bard with a ukulele. Friend of Lake Monster. 93% stardust. Autistic. Fabulously weird.