@LastOfHisName I believe Tribel was started by the guy behind Occupy Democrats, which...I mean, that seemed cool at first, but is definitely just keeping drama stirred for clicks now. So I'm not inclined to trust Tribel.
Welcome, New Users! Here's a copy of the User Guide (although don't hesitate to ask questions if you need help with anything).
You can create lists for #'s you're interested in, filters to weed out things you aren't. There are groups you can join.
CoSo's incredibly customizable.
And the edit button here is fully functional and free ("delete & re-draft" from the pull-down menu on the three dots to the bottom right of your posts).
@raresaturn I came over yesterday and am surprised that I'm getting kind of comfortable here already. I remember things that were trying to be "the end of Twitter" and didn't last long. I think CoSo's just being CoSo.
@NaVeD If what I'm hearing is true, timeline cleansers aren't so desperately needed and pet pics are adored. So that's just a timeline. 😄 And Freddie is adorable!
@PaganMother Thanks for the reminder! I get so caught up in planning sometimes that I forget to give myself that space.
@PaganMother My practices for this time of year focus on ancestors. I make a small dinner to share with them at my altar, play my ukulele for them, and tell them stories of my memories with them.
@ninjacooter I hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense as soon as I read this. My mind just skipping over "Would he?" and right into "Did he???" is scary.
@WhiteRose I'm not usually a fan of remakes, but this is a case where I've always thought the remake is better than the original. The powerful mix of emotion in his voice is perfect for the lyrics!
@GlitteryFab There are tiny bits of hope. Like the fact that my doctor, in rural Midwest, speaks of people going through menopause - not just women. But I worry about little bits not adding up to make enough difference for people who need better from us. Way overdue for better!
@LAHolloway Ooo! Good painting both ways, and I especially love the lights off version!
@Tanukisrevenge I remember seeing something about that sometimes happening because the system doesn't save info from your device. So sometimes stripping out the metadata also means it doesn't know which way to orient the picture anymore. Actually a good reason for it to happen.
A personal account is a mix of things for me. So this account is not devoted strictly to divination, pagan polytheism, and occult practices. I'll talk about those things a lot though, and would love to find people who also talk about those things a lot to follow.
Yeah, those are broad topics. I like reading about practices and views other than just my own.
@corlin That's something us new folks will have to adjust to, but it's such a good feeling to be making that adjustment!
First recommendation for new folk... Read. That's it just read the room. Yes RTFM and all. But more importantly read people that have been here a while. Some of us are creatives, that promote work, but do it through conversation not just self aggrandizement. Sit down and have a discussion about a subject. Don't just "banner ad" your work, but tell me why you love doing it. Yes this takes time and energy. There is NO SEO to game here.
We Be The Humans.
@BuckleUpButtercup I don't adjust to new things easily. The good thing here is that it's so much safer to just jump in! We're being welcomed and people are offering help and tips. I'm afraid the current Twitter climate trained us to stay quiet until we know what's going on. Being lost won't attract trolls here.
@skiphunt I was on Twitter when it was still new enough that there was too much trust that everybody will behave in public. Then they started trying to catch up. Then doing so wouldn't be profitable. I get the impression CoSo isn't built around those things.
@CherNohio Happy birthday to your munchkin!
@Geinorg I haven't said any final goodbyes on the bird app yet. I've been there since 2009. But I checked things here first today, and I feel safer interacting with people here. It's probably just a slow goodbye for me.
@AdreanaInLB It's so nice to talk to people and share things without worrying whether or not it will even be seen.
Bard with a ukulele. Friend of Lake Monster. 93% stardust. Autistic. Fabulously weird.