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@Jess Oh I was just thinking of museums in general. In terms of connecting to local history, I like to walk around Cherry Street, where the saloons used to be. The street was named after the ladies of such saloons. Obviously rumored to be haunted by ghosts of the wild west, I collected moss from there for my "terrorarium".

Joe's not going to be home for another couple of days most likely, so naturally I'm up cleaning and baking muffins already.

@Jess That sounds like a blast. Our museums are okayish, I miss good museums. I suppose if you want to see paintings of cowboys the art museum is decent. At least the solarium is supposed to be haunted and it's attached to some cool gardens.

@LnzyHou @peeppeepcircus Do you think maybe hens get cranky because they know they're going to be stuck on a nest and bored?

@redenigma That's actually pretty cool, I'm a donor but figure they probably don't want my lungs, heart, eyes, and maybe not my liver. I've thought of giving myself to the body farm, to give back to forensics for all the joy it has given me, but they probably let you do both, right? Like, the organs they don't want can rot somewhere probably?

@redenigma I'm sorry for your loss. It's a shame he refused his meds, that's a horrible way to live. I meant the guy who set himself on fire though, if he makes it.

@redenigma @peeppeepcircus Yeah, about the end of that paragraph I started thinking about some people I knew. I hope he gets help.

Nature is Amazing😊

They’re their own animal but they’re in the giraffe family. Some call them the “forest giraffe”.

@GreenLady08 Those are some of my favorite animals. Pictures don't do their browns justice, they are rich and have a lovely glow in the sun.

@peeppeepcircus My mom calls what she does research, but she doesn't trust any credible source, so it's funny to hear what she's come up with. You would think if it's important enough to set yourself on fire over, you might make an extra effort to be specific in your message. Actually it sounds like he probably couldn't. Poor thing.

@peeppeepcircus Wow. The weird thing is looking at the reports, I'm still not sure if he's for or against the proceedings. Everyone's calling the government crooked.

@peeppeepcircus Not sure what you're talking about in specific, but no, they sure didn't.

Oh no, Joe's coming home to find a local job in like two days. He's gonna drink all my coconut water, oh no I have to share :(

@redenigma @dw98439 It would be important to make sure minerals don't build up in the substrate, tanks are harder to regularly flush, unless you scoop it all out and then put everything back. They build up naturally, even if you use pure water.

@redenigma @dw98439 Bladderworts do well in a terrarium I believe, their traps are below the substrate and they have cool flowers. Several sundews like terrariums. Cape sundews don't need dormancy and are tropical so they'd probably like them, but their flowers might rise above the top unless it's a tall tank.

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Gemma Sarracenia

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