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Okay, if anyone is interested, blog link shows the first two years of Celia's growth, showing why I love this plant so much. Keep in mind that most pitcher plants either have no pigment, or veins that deepen to burgundy with age, with various shades of autumn leaf between, maybe white windows to screw with insects. Or look like meat. Celia has decided to look like a tropical drink instead :).

Psst, @fernfren hoping you swing by, say hi.

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You have said something that gives someone hope. You have done something that makes someone smile, even years later. You are remembered. You have warmed someone's heart.

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A post about my recovery garden and how it is like Persephone, the goddess of spring and wife of Death, inspired by the Page of Pentacles. Also, some haunted moss and a good look into my frogโ€™s golden eyes.

@fernfren (more frog pics on the blog, not sure if you've seen them all)

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Oh no, Joe's coming home to find a local job in like two days. He's gonna drink all my coconut water, oh no I have to share :(

I have so many pics of this flower (my first pitcher plant flower, from a purple pitcher plant) that I thought I knew what my favorite pic was. I'm not even sure I've seen this pic before, just found it looking for art reference photos. I just had to stop and show it off.

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." - Maya Angelou


โ€œAn injury to one is an injury to all.โ€

I believe this with all my heart.

Is it just me? ๐Ÿค” A serious question.
I was talking to a friend of mine, a woman of color, who is setting up a consultancy to help trauma survivors. I commented that what hurts one, hurts all, whether in our community, our country or our world. This seems self evident and obvious to me, but she mentioned that it is a foreign concept to many. So I thought i'd ask the CoSo community, is it just me who believes this or do others view it the same way?

Just sharing some of this year's kitten season's kittens! These are Paprika's little spices <3
Spay and Neuter your pets!

One of the main beliefs of most religions is that you, as an individual, need to choose the god you worship. You need to make choices to align with what you believe.

Using religion to dictate legal policy is abhorrent because it removes the right to choose a god and thus erases faith.

A pack of Pomeranians is called a fluffle. They attack at bedtime, when you try to go sleepy. They wear you down with blanket wrestling, and then finish you off with nuggles.

My samples came :). They look better than I thought they would, the last bag I got from them wasn't nearly this good, and I didn't expect the scarf (flytrap digestive glands recolored) to be this vivid. Got a bit of a Tom Cruise smile on the mask, but that's okay it's not the final product. This is just to do a little research, wearing and swinging by dispensaries. The one on the corner already said he's interested in seeing samples. Now I need to find who I really want to use for bulk printing.

Sunny and Sky have done their first molt, so it's a little easier to guess at gender (cere color, band of flesh on their beak). Looks like Sky is a hen, no real surprise her cere was always iffy. Hard to tell in lutino birds (yellow) but it looks like that's lavender with a blue undertone, so that's at least one male and one female. Breeding will be a thing. Next year, when they're mature enough to be good parents.

Also, I love how they look against the purple wall, those colors just pop.

Looks like Joe's going to make Friday his last day of working across the country from his family, and will focus on local work instead. This will be good. He might have a cut in wages, but he has NYC experience, so should do fairly well job hunting in the area.

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Gemma Sarracenia

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