It is a drizzly, fantastic day. I explored the supposedly haunted Cherry Street (where the wild west saloons used to be, Cherry was a reference to the ladies, supposedly many spirits from the era have been seen). My goal was moss for the terrorarium. Ages ago I stole some rocks from a murder mansion in Staten Island to use in her cave, so it's haunted. Anyway, look at how that pops so wonderfully with her color!

Dusted off another of my old favorites, a story inspired by the King of Pentacles, reversed, using the Zombie Tarot deck. I love that deck for urban fantasy and horror type stories so hard.

517 words.

Another tarot inspired short fiction, 468 words. What would you do if you found out you were married to a monster?

Another old bit of flash horror. A reporter seems to have noticed odd things surrounding a few murders and a figurine.

After a long hiatus, I am returning to writing horror flash. Well, currently revising old writings. Here's a little diddy about bugs, fire, and madness.

Gemma Sarracenia

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