So, here begins another...
finding this place was a nice thing in '23 - hope '24 is somehow kind to all.
"No matter how corrupt, greedy, and heartless our government, our corporations, our media, and our religious and charitable institutions may become, the music will still be wonderful."
- Kurt Vonnegut
Modest proposal for a New Year's Resolution, by way of a look at the outlook for musicians....
@LiberalLibrarian Good on them!
@LiberalLibrarian @TwiHusband I wish! Airtime of most dominated by Classic and Romantic period warhorses, sadly.
A good thought for these days...
@Jorro But not convicted. Which of course made him that much more of loose cannon.
This is the guy who said Trump wouldn't have won Tx if he hadn't put the fix in, so now that he has an extra infusion of piss and vinegar...
@Jorro One of the great failures of the American judiciary is that Paxton isn't rotting in jail.
@Lulz4l1f3 General warning - beware of tube amps (especially high powered ones) that try to do too many things...Laney is better at it than Mesa, but try to get some feedback from people who have one or have been inside one. Of course, if it does everything you want, and you love the sound, all bets are off!
Song for the day:
@mcfate Lt. Goob NotHisRealName is a grandstanding criminal, but hey, as a former shock jock, he knows how to please his audience....
Headlines this morning: Biden's polls number continue to fall despite surging economy!
Don't listen to the polls. Don't listen to the Pundits. You want a better nation? You got to be a better citizen. Show up and you can win. New essay up on Stonekettle Station:
@ContentTBA Since the Goob and all his friends love Leviticus so much, maybe they need to go back over 19:33-34.
@DyDave you would have loved the baseball practice "field" at my tiny high school back when (said the guy who took a liner to the mouth off a tire rut...)
Won't shut up and sing, play, write, teach.