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These are just a few of the real world use cases that we go through in the OSINT Risk Intelligence Course this April, and we teach the methodology and techniques to find this type of stuff on your own.

We still have a few open spots for this training.

Want more information?

Feel free to reach out.

:transpride: 234 voted Yes, 94 voted No, och 21 weren't present for the vote. Sweden is modernizing the laws in regards to trans people.

You can now change your legal gender at 16, with parental consent, and will no longer require a diagnosis of gender dysphoria in order to do so.

Our new floodgate was fitted today. It is *very* substantial and we are really pleased.
It has two panels (seen here leaning against the wall) which screw down tightly with large bolts. The whole thing comes about ยผ the way up the door. When it rains, I shall sleep much better knowing it's there.

This Collector's Edition Blu-ray is out today(ish) from Umbrella Entertainment, and includes my booklet essay "Iron ladies, riot grrrls, and the surreal superheroics of Rachel Talalay's Tank Girl (1995)", as well as an *amazing* video essay by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas

Good morning, sunshine! Today's your chance to be the kid in the candy store of life! ๐Ÿฌ๐Ÿญ๐ŸซSo grab your sweetest dreams and sprinkle them with a dash of adventure. Let's unwrap each moment like a new candy surprise and savor the flavor of possibility. With your smile as bright as a lollipop, let's bounce through the day with the energy of a bouncing ball. Remember, in the candy store of life, you're the ultimate confectionery connoisseur! Let's make today deliciously awesome!๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ’ซ

Dating Tips for Women

1. Find a man that works and helps around the house.
2. Find a man who makes you laugh.
3. Find a man who is honest and reliable.
4. Find a man who loves and spoils you.
5. Make sure these 4 men donโ€™t know each other.

(shamelessly stolen)

"Hello World"

Returning home to CoSo after a couple years without. It's changed quite a bit since I was last here, so still exploring and settling in.

@Susandoyle @EileenKCarpenter @stueytheround

Do you think that would throw them off? ๐Ÿ˜… Like, the Spanish Inquisition shows up and you've got name cards on plates, and all the cooks know their dietary preferences, and they're just so confounded that they beg off, promising to come back another time.

"Good!" you call after them. "We'll be waiting!"

To which they stomp their feet in frustration as they stalk off.

"No, you won't! That's the whole--oh, sod it. We'll go terrorize somewhere else."


โ€œNo chance, English bedwetting types! I burst my pimples at you and call your door-opening request a silly thing, you tiny-brained wipers of other peopleโ€™s bottoms!โ€

"No realli! She was Karving her initials on the mรธรธse with the sharpened end of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge-her brother in law- an Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: "The Hรธt Hands of an Oslo Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", and "The Huge Mรธlars of Horst Nordtfink"

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CounterSocial is the first Social Network Platform to take a zero-tolerance stance to hostile nations, bot accounts and trolls who are weaponizing OUR social media platforms and freedoms to engage in influence operations against us. And we're here to counter it.