
It's that time when the Jesus memes pop up.
I love a *good* joke. Being a Christian is bizarre and often genuinely funny. Especially to those who don't share my beliefs.

I have one request:
Please keep it lighthearted and act with some kindbess, folks. Consider the many here for whom is genuinely an important festival.

Thank you xxx

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So, Stuey, your compassion is tangible, but at some point, it may be well served to discuss the bunny issue.

@MrGoat and I might like a word.



May we all show the open-hearted kindness and respectful acceptance that you do every day.

Have a lovely Easter Stuey :)

@stueytheround this is the only religious festival I love, because it brings so many warm memories from my childhood...especially tasty food which we prepared a lot ... ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿฐ


Glad to support you. I hope itโ€™s a lovely day for you & yours & your community.

I think that's reasonable and I hope that people show some respect. We don't have to agree to be kind

@stueytheround I shall only share The Classic, pertinent to my heathen priorities.

Happy Easter, my friend.

*Said with dry humor*
I'm sorry to hear your messiah was crucified today. I hope he gets better soon.

Mindful of Holy week. We have been reading scriptures from the last week of Christ's life.
Looking forward to Sunday.

@stueytheround I hope you and Eleanor have the best Easter weekend, and that your noisy neighbor figures their stuff out so y'all can get some well-deserved snoozles, too. <333 :)

@evistre @stueytheround Mrs. Pan and I likewise are having snoozle time this weekend! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Yโ€™all have a wonderful Easter Holiday. ๐Ÿ˜€โค๏ธโœŒ๏ธ

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