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Was kinda slow for the first 60 minutes, with Argentina obviously on the front foot, but wow has the rest of the game been a wild ride!

Trinkets from the past
Hang upon an indoor tree
Trimmed and brightly lit

Socks on the mantle
Colorful, unwearable
Conceal tiny gifts

Creatures of habit
Embracing repetition
Traditions are weird

Is it appropriate for a court appointed defense lawyer to ask their client for more money so they'll "work harder" on the case?

Muted Christmas lights
Shine beneath a bed of fog
Waiting for the dawn

Woke up from a dream wherein I had become the owner of a large museum of random artifacts, and the police had called to congratulate me. They ended the call with a rather ominous "don't leave town," and then I woke up. I a suspect in a crime?

Don't let them tell you
You are too weak or too small
You can do great things

Watching Sesame Street as an adult is wild. Cookie Monster just told his friends, who accused him of eating all their cookies when he didn't, "Me glutton, not liar." Went right over my daughter's head, of course, but I appreciate that level of self-awareness. Has this show always been like this?

Hey folks! If you like spending time here, and you can afford it, consider going Pro. Costs less than you might think!

Coso Pro is fun
Keeps the lights on, ads at bay
Plus, it comes with perks!

Orange leaves falling down
Over a Dunkin drive through
Autumn in the States

Kids have batteries
No power indicator
Sprints, then fast asleep

There's a soft tube inside Big Bird's neck to keep it upright, but it got bent. This is my daughter's solution once we explained that.

Do cucumbers belong on a fruit plate? My wife insists this is normal. I'm...relying on you to reassure me of my sanity, quite frankly.

My first year with a brined turkey. Alton Brown hasn't steered me wrong yet; can't wait to try it!

A table laden
Food and friends and memories
Happy Thanksgiving

I'm shocked the "something else" got a quarter of the vote! But thank you, this was enlightening

What does "well, bless her heart" roughly translate into to you?

Fries in her left hand
Lollipop dipped in ketchup
Toddler dinner time

Daughter wants some milk
Maybe another book, too
Stalling is an art

Quick question: do folks here like Scrivener? I'm almost at the end of the trial, and I'm still torn on whether I want to pay for it. Are there other things I should try first that are similar?

Chicken with rockets
When you play stupid games, you
Win stupid prizes

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Sleeping Bearcat

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