The hyper-clouds are open source's friends by @sjvn

I get so, so tired of how some people have a knee-jerk reaction about how the big companies "steal" software. No, no, they don't. They often help build it.

The ruled last week that companies can no longer use non-compete agreements to stop workers from moving from one job to another — and businesses are having fits. by @sjvn

FCC restores net neutrality- here's what it means for the internet by @sjvn

The good news is that is back. The bad news is the battle has only begun. It will now be settled in the courts and ballot boxes.

It's baaack! Microsoft and IBM MS-DOS 4.0 by @sjvn

How did the operating system so bad it likely steered users to 35 years ago come to be open-sourced now? Here's how.

Ubuntu 24.04: This great new Linux distro isn't just fast - it's a fortress by @sjvn Not just a pretty face:

24.04 "Noble Numbat" is also a great .

It's baaack! Microsoft and IBM MS-DOS 4.0 by @sjvn

How did the operating system so bad it likely steered users to 35 years ago come to be open-sourced now? Here's how.

Ubuntu 24.04: This great new Linux distro isn't just fast - it's a fortress by @sjvn

Not just a pretty face: @ubuntu 24.04 "Noble Numbat" is also a great .

I don't recall the early PC days being this way in the States.

@ecksmc Weird. I just tried it again from the post and it worked.

FCC restores net neutrality- here's what it means for the internet by @sjvn

The good news is that is back. The bad news is the battle has only begun. It will now be settled in the courts and ballot boxes.

The ruled this week that companies can no longer use non-compete agreements to stop workers from moving from one job to another — and businesses are having fits. by @sjvn

IBM Confirms: It's Buying HashiCorp - by @sjvn

Everyone knew HashiCorp's odd licensing moves were meant to make it more attractive to a buyer. What we didn't know was that IBM would be the buyer.

@AndersonArtwork There was never any doubt in my mind they'd be weaponized.

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