Is there a way to buy farmland and essentially give it back to the farmers? #CoSoQuestions
It's like whomever wrote Judges was like passive aggressively trying to taunt the god of the bible. #religion #atheist #passiveAggresive
@kel I only tell ppl about it that I think would like it here.
@CarmenSlamdiego a friend told me its great with strawberries.
@SSNBubblehead I've heard it tastes like brownie batter.
When I did my first lesson planning using Blackboard Ultra I was watching #Snatch in the background and so now every time I open up my classes I think of quotes from the movie, "You show me how to control a wild f-ing gypsy and I'll show you how to control an unhinged, pig-feeding gangster." LOL, all the quotes tho, all at once. #CosoMovies
While #Transgender Day of Remembrance is officially about those we've lost through direct violence, I choose to expand it.
We lose many more Trans people (and other groups) to indirect violence - suicide. Those who choose this option aren't doing so because the world is all sunshine and flowers. Their world and hope has been whittled away until they see no other option but to sleep forever.
Forced micro-dosing of hate & violence can kill you as easily as an asshole with a gun.
Unify against the powers of hate and fear.
@tracytran add "The Peripheral" as well...this is the beginning of the jackpot.
Something worth sharing and talking about. #trans
• Bearded scientist with a whiteboard
• slurpee&coffee&homebrew&brunch